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Hey, guys! just wanted to let ya´ ll know what´s going on this week.

It´ s all about the reward posters for the next couple of days. Just finished inking them, now i´ll have to edit and color them.

there´s 10 posters this time, and i´ll share them later this week. i think im gonna stick with this pattern from now on since it proved to reduce a lot of stress. so from now on, for the first 3 weeks it will be working on comics, and then on the final week of every month, the posters will be the focus.

That´ s all for now. I´ll leave you with a sneak peek of a poster i just decided to make... no reason... ok, i admit that helen´ s ass was really distracting while i tried watching the movie. juicy.




A dash Helen comic would be greaaaat *hint hint*