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Heres the second poster i had scheduled to upload today.

The request this time was from characters from my comics, so we have:

Mitsu and Tooru from Chapters 3 and 4 from project taboo and Angie from Angie´s downfall.

If you need context for the characters:

Project taboo, chapter 3: https://imgur.com/a/Z1CyXE4

chapter 4: https://imgur.com/a/v1aev

Angie´s Downfall:https://imgur.com/a/SV819

It was nice working on my own characters. its been a while. speaking of which, since tomorrow im dedicating the day to finishing Mother´s Responsibility, im gonna share chapter 2 from project taboo. As i keep uploading the chapters you all will notice that the characters keep reappearing. I´ve always wanted to try to build a small world where all the characters from my stories interact, ie an orgy huhuhu.

That´s all for today guys. gnite!




Uh... The Angie's Downfall link only has 4 images...