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hey, guys!!! please forgive me for being gone for so long, but today i finally finished 2 big school projects and i´ll submit them tomorrow, leaving only one final design project left! this is the final stretch. after wednesday, i´ll be back to my normal 5 day upload schedule.

now, i felt bad about leaving ya´ll hanging so i was thinking and i remembered that i have a stash of comics i had put on hold after i opened up this patreon.

You OG followers would remember that early on i shared a comic called "Mama Fun Time" and it had "chapter 4" attached to it too.

here it is, if you hadnt read it: https://imgur.com/a/v1aev

well, there were chapters 1,2 and 3 before of course, but i´ll have to search around for the first 2 chapters. i cant remember which box i stored them on.

i found chapter 3, aaaand i had forgotten that i also did an extra for the story too. chapter 3 is literally the prequel to mama fun time, while the other chapters are standalone stories. the plan was to link all the comics to a huge orgy at the end with all the characters but, i kind of let the project die. after re-reading this chapter, im thinking of picking it up again. i have around 9 chapters for this story, i dubbed project Taboo. the whole gist is that the government funds an organization that fosters taboo couples due to a low bith rate plaguing this unknown country, very simple.

anyway, we can talk about this later on. im not gonna work on the comics this weekend, but im gonna upload some posters i have pending.

check out chapter 3 here: https://imgur.com/a/Z1CyXE4




And I honestly hope you find chapter 1 and 2 as these are awesome! I want to see this plot continue 😭


Youre really the best when it comes to incest comics ! Would love to see chap1 and 2 😆


damn chapter 3 is good too!