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Jeez Louise, ive had this poster on the back burner since last week and i finally got to finishing it today. i love it. I dont know what possessed my hand to draw such a bombastic android 18, but damn, i feel like i didnt do this. While adding color i decided to shade in some muscle definition since she is a martial arts master, which i think added to her sexyness. Also, i dunno how i ended up with that chrome-ish background straight out of that one spongebob episode but it makes the poster look like a very, very lewd dbz trading card.

That´s it for today guys. I wanted to post the poll for next week´s poster tonight but im utterly exhausted. Anyway, the theme for next week´s poster is "broken condom creampie". while searching for references for the inko poster, i ran into a 4chan dedicated to this theme and it was a very sexy topic. Feel free to suggest characters/couples to add to the poll. Gnite!!!

forgot to mention, next update should be a couple pages for the dbz comic along with more character concepts for the fire emblem comic.

Get the textless poster in the attachments below!




Damn, that just looks amazing.


My suggestion: Bart and Marge. Or just Marge in general with her hair down 😍


Amazing! (My suggestion would be Boruto x Hinata)