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Wait. Mid-week? Multiple progress reports? What's going on, Blue Swallow?

There's a reason, rest assured. We'll get there. In the meantime...

We're trucking along with our timeline. I won't delineate all the improvements and changes until the 0.6 sneak release, but as an overview: new art assets, I'm on pace for completing the sections I expected for this release, inclusion of Tattoos in college (as a random, specific example of expansions we hadn't planned on but are doing anyway), and a LOT of fixes to the code thanks to call-outs and people digging into the code.

So that's really exciting and fun. We're looking forward to releasing it and seeing what you think!

We're also going to see what we can put together for a roadmap and are targeting the end of the 0.6 cycle for that. It'll be light and more of a sketch since there didn't seem to be a ton of interest or response about it. Still, we'll do it, just put less focus on it and more onto actual development rather than reporting.

Right, reporting. Like this one that's taking me away from writing and coding. Why, right? Should you expect these happening often? No. Certainly not. I prefer putting more into the game rather than more posts on these platforms.

But! This is unique because we want you in the Discord. I'm looking for your hottest, spiciest, funnest ideas for additions to our 'bodies list' that is used as the random generator at the end of HS and Uni, etc.

There's a thread open on the Discord under #game-suggestions and I can't wait to see your ideas and the ones I like best will be added to the game. I hope you enjoy seeing your creations being added to the game.

And in line with the above...we'll be doing a little lottery/competition during a later stage of the 0.6 cycle with a prize that might mean your stuff being in the game during 0.7. More to reveal on that around Beta time.

Til the Sneak Release, give us your ideas!



28th👀 release day?


Hopefully! I'm going through the last of the Popular arc and writing as fast as I can. The extras I've been working on definitely took up time and have pushed things down to the wire.


hopefully, but don't work yourself to death either