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So! We've released the Sneak and the Alpha and we've got Beta and Final in the wings, but (you might [and probably do] ask) when are they releasing and what content is held within?

Beta - Claire can go on her first night working at the club. ETA - Around a week

Final - Claire can hit up the club a second time, trying her investigation and infil skills from the out-in. There is the possibility that I'll also include the first potential date with Bona. ETA - Around 2 weeks.

What else is going on?

We're finishing off the tattoos (long outstanding) for the doll, representing Claire how you think she needs to be.

We're still in search of a replacement UX/UI developer and/or someone who has a good handle on AI technology to flesh out our passage and background art in a quick, efficient manner [art is expensive and we'd prefer to pay our artists for the sexy stuff].

We're also closing out a poll for our top tier patrons, which will guide what is included in 0.6, which is right around the corner. What's in the poll, you might ask? Well, we've compiled all the requests and comments about things that people have been missing or would like, content-wise from the varied forums and Discord. They include:

  • Expand sexy content for Cliques
  • HS Pregnancy Path 
  • More Mom content in the Prologue
  • More alt text for variations on Dad in Prologue (gone, sleeping together, etc)
  • More content for 'first' relationship
  • Content where Claire isn't keen on the spy thing and is forced/blackmailed into it
  • Ava or female best friend as Prom Date
  • Big High School Party Scene
  • Claire suffers from bigotry/bullying in HS content
  • Au Pair Gap Year Path
  • Expand existing Gap Year Paths
  • Expand existing College Paths
  • Expand existing Vignette Paths (church-goer, partier, etc etc)

Top three results will be our focus for 0.6. What's currently winning? Expanding Cliques, Vignettes and HS Pregnancy.

If you're in the #community-development channel and haven't voted? Get your preferences in ASAP, we'll close this out in a couple days.

We'll be doing similar things with 0.7 and onwards. And if you want to contribute to content in a more substantive way than guidance, please feel free to hit us up. More than happy to add in great writing, if you have ideas!



Yeah, happy to hear an update. Keep it coming!


is there a playable alpha?


Yep! And the multiple hotfixes that came out after it. Available to the Sudden Agent tiers and above. Beta, as always, will be for Dossier, and the Final will be available to Origin tier