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What kinds of personality traits do you like or find attractive in a woman? There are probably more types that I didn't mention, so feel free to leave a comment below if there is another type that you like.



i picked based on what i'd like to see in a game/comic setting - i think in something like bloom war, having girls that are: tomboy/lazy/emotionless would be SUPER hot to have them grow and get super ridiculous bodies (especially lazy or emotionless), like a girl who doesn't really give a fuck but since the MC came on her now the emotionless girl is a freak with a hyper dick - the contrast between their body and their non-matching personality is SUPER appealing i think shy is also really appealing, like the shy girl who can't speak up getting a ridiculous body as well (or the opposite, a girl with hyper boobs being mega shy about it and trying to hide them) slutty is hot for just being willing to engage/grow without going totally nuts on it (like nympho) - i'm thinking like "sure i'll suck you off, growing a giant ass would be hot" little sister type being part of it is super hot as well, then you get the dynamic between her and the other girl(s), plus it's just an appealing personality lol i put delinquent because it also doesn't 'match' being super sexy but that makes it more appealing (same with tomboy), and then friendly cause friendly is just a positive thing lol i hope that helps! :D


(some extended feedback for things i didn't vote for) motherly is hot too (especially if you flipped the expectation, like you'd assume she'd have huge boobs but instead make her flat chested and give her an enormous dick or butt) but it's common enough that i felt like it didn't need to be voted for perfectionist would be SUPER hot if you used it like the girl is trying to 'perfect' all of the things she thinks aren't perfect on her body, and then it keeps escalating otaku could be really fun as well, i just don't find it specifically appealing, but it's kind of an unusual personality so you could do a lot with it yandere can be fun too, maybe combine it with another trait? i know that the things i listed might not 'win' but i hope that gives you some insight and it's also probably best to combine a few for each girl (or at least a couple girls)!