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My original plan was to release an update for Bloom War every month, but I've been thinking about changing that. The 0.2 update felt a bit rushed, and there were a few scenes that I didn't get to add because I was trying the get the public release out before the end of the month, and I ran out of time. I don't want the quality of the game to suffer because of me trying to meet the monthly deadline I originally set for myself. So I've been thinking of waiting to release the updates until they feel more complete, and I think I will need more than a month to do that. Giving myself a looser schedule will also allow me the opportunity to add more content in between updates, like some animations or short comics.

However, some of you may still prefer the monthly updates regardless of how complete they feel and like having updates on a more regular schedule, and I don't want to change the schedule if you guys prefer it that way. So I decided to make a poll about it. If you prefer the monthly updates, I may need to change how I go about doing it. I may need to dedicate some of the future updates to just adding the content that I didn't get the chance to add previously.

Regardless of which is chosen, I will do my best to try to maintain or even improve the quality of the game going forward. So which do you prefer?


Ver Greeneyes

I think more time between releases is fine as long as there are regular progress updates :)


I can probably do weekly progress reports along with some of the additional content I plan on doing :)


I'm on the fence of both of those options to where I'm like small minor weekly updates and a bigger one towards the end of the month kind of thing