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I've been working on finishing up the next update for Bloom War, but honestly, I'm not happy with it and I'd like to share my thoughts on it. With the amount of different routes that have been added, the content for each update is getting spread thinner and thinner between them. Even after the extra time I wanted to spend on this update, it still feels shallow. And this problem will likely continue to get worse if I continue doing update with way. Some of you may have noticed that in the past few updates the sex and cumflation animations have been cut. That was to save time so I could get the update out faster. I feel as though my current process is causing the updates to loose quality. And that's not the only issue. Over the duration of working on Bloom War, I've had tons of new ideas and stories I'd like to make, but I've rarely had the time to work on any of them. Bloom War requires a great deal of time and effort to make updates for due to how I need to create so many different scenes for each image. In contrast, The Expanding Alchemist is much simpler to make updates for since most of the game uses sprites. And with amount of time and effort it takes to make updates for Bloom War, it has begun to feel like more of a chore that I want to just get over with instead of something I enjoy making. And with all that effort amounting to a seemingly small amount of content, it's a bit disheartening. On top of all of that, it has become clear that my initial plan for Bloom War was far too big, especially for my first ever project. I planned on having a full conflict between the three countries all with their own characters and lots more interconnecting paths. I know I have a fetish for huge things, but it seems I must admit that it's too much. If I were to try doing it how I initially intended, I would die of old age before I managed to complete it.

With all that being said, I don't intend to give up on Bloom War. But I do need to change how I've been going about it. I think It would be best if I go back and implement sprites like I did for The Expanding Alchemist in order to massively simplify the process. Creating full scenes for each variation of a growing list of routes simply isn't feasible anymore. Also, I will need to change my plans in the story to be more focused. I will need to go back in the story and change a few things, but luckily it won't be very much, probably just a few changes to the backstory about the war. I also want to focus on finishing routes instead of doing each route a little bit at a time. I will probably focus on Kammy first since she has the most progress in each route, and because she tends to win every poll she's been in. Also, I don't think I'll be able to do updates for Bloom War on a regular basis. Rather, it will be more of a "We get there when we get there" approach. I would then still try to make updates for The Expanding Alchemist and other projects I'd like to work on each month in order to continue getting content out to you each month. I'd like to do more smaller projects like the No Nut November story I did last year, as well as putting some more time into making that Godot game I was working on. I know it may seem like I'm trying to do a lot of things at once, but so long as it's things I enjoy, I feel like I can be much more productive. I apologize if this is all a bit worrying, but I need to change things up a bit if I'm going to keep going and not burn out. And I hope to make more things for you to enjoy, and that I enjoy making.

Thank you all for your support and understanding.


John Howard

Sorry to hear about that man, I’ll always be patient and look forward to any update of Bloom War and other projects. As long as I get to play them, I’ll be happy with it.


maybe a more linear story with 'bonus' what-if scenes for fun to use as an outlet for whatever your feelin


Saw this coming as soon as you split the game into three routes. Well I look forward to the other projects, but hope that when you do work on Bloom Wars you just pick pick one route and work on that.


Yeah do a poll to see which route should be worked on. At which point that would be the main focus for renders, but you could keep track of if or how it ties with each storyline


You do what you think is best I will be waiting regardless as you have done nothing but your absolute best to give us great content with each post and release and if this is what you need to do to continue the trend? Go for it! And thank you for being so open with us. 🫶


the way I see it you need to focus on the story because it is a visual novel after all. the story is the most important part. the visuals can be basic at first and can be improved at a later date. The use of sprites like in Alchemist will be for the best because you have more options with them over making each scene from scratch.


Just story board and work on one route at a time instead of trying to do it all at once


personally I prefer Jayne and I really like this game, and as long as we can have such well done scenes it doesn't bother me if you change the game a little

Confused Warrior

I agree that focussing on one of the three branches (tiny, normal, giantess) would be the best. I also don't know how much time it takes just to make the three variations for each route that you select at the start (male, futa/female, futa/futa), but I can guess it's not easy to just cancel some of these options because they're already in the game.

Poke Zilla46

Agreed, ATH should take their time to focus on one thing at a time for best results.


This was bound too happen splitting the game 4 way THEN 3 way again makes implementation and proofing increadably tedious 1 implementation being possibly needing 12 edits/programming is insurmountable by one person focusing on one route or game mode doesn't fix this issue, focusing only on(tiny,normal or gts) or 1 game mode(male, futa/female and such) immediately cuts down dev time by magnitudes sure but also creates a huge backlog of things you have to make for each time you don't fully iterate each scene or choice

Lian Rowan

This is why most games with choices structure the choice tree like a diamond, with it branching out to a point but then converging back in.


i have a hard time understanding what this all means for the future of bloom wars, im not very good with english


I'll be honest; I think most people are just here for the Erotic stuff. I'm not saying don't have a story; but most people probably aren't going to care about the big long segments of talking and character growth when they just want to watch characters grow bigger and get off to that. IMO maybe finish up some routes that you have less inspiration for just so you don't have to bother with them anymore. Interconnecting stories is neat, but as you said, way too much work. TBH, my favorite project from you so far is the first "growing adventure" with it being a straightforward growth/hyper/herm story. It was straightforward and did what I wanted. Adding a bunch of games or paths that I might not take kinda gets in the way. If expanding alchemist has me do too much UI stuff, that would get annoying, for example. I want you to be happy, but I'd consider focusing some so things are just more straightforward for both parties TBH

Steven Cameron

What they mean is as the game gets bigger the updates get smaller with less content and ATH games wants to change the way they do things to make the updates more meaningful or something like that. Hope this helps

Alexander LumenUmbra

i think the branching paths you have going just give them a satifactory ending for now and later return to it when you finish the main story of the game and just treat the other paths as dlc

pikawa pp

when will the new update be approximately


Hyperfocus one route/character set. (Like only do futa/futa or male/female or futa/female). Sprites will make things easier, but huge branching paths are really only done by large teams or it will take tons of time. Finish the core of the game first, leave room for future expansions.