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Sorry for taking too long, my incompetence let things spiral out of control again.

No mater how much I try, sometimes I just can't get anything out, I try to focus and force myself to finish everything and it just doesn't work.

I feel like I need to diversify my work and do some different thigs, to keep myself motivated.

So, the plans for now and the future are things that I want to do and it will help me not feel so down.

First off, I will make a persona 3 game, it will be similar to this one, I will work on both of them and keep updating this one like aways.

I want to make a more diverse content for patreon, more renders, more small animations, and make extra things not related to the game, like other series, or even some futa content.

Anyhow, let me know what You think of the idea.

And thank You for Your support.




A person 3 game sounds exciting. Personally I don't mind of you start branching off into making renders and animations.


Thanks, I always wanted to do another game, and having my focus on multiple things will help a lot in making it.