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Exams are over and I'm back to animating. Unfortunately, I have bad news. Remember when I said I hoped things would be back to normal in February? Well, that's not gonna happen. As in the past few months, I'll have to keep animating at a slow and irregular pace. I'll pause the billing cycle (once again) so that you guys won't be charged next month.

I'll resume my work on both Kokomi's slave 2 and Chie and Yukari. You can expect the finished Chie and Yukari animation within the next week (remember this one is a short 30 seconds video).

That's all, have a nice week :)


Robby Sanchez

Hey shiro! it’s alright it’s really good to hear from you again and that you’re back to animating too, take your time getting back into the swing of things and I wish you good luck on both animations it’s great to have you back! :D


Take your time getting back into motion we will still be here to support you all the way.