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Here's this week's news:

- First, about monthly shorts: they won't be a thing. There are too few people who want them to happen so I'll just stick to my usual animations.

- The Ganyu and Shinobu animation is finished. Unfortunately, I had some problems with the rendering and won't be able to post it today.

- Finally, this is the last update I'll write for some time.

As I said in a previous post, I'll be taking a two-week break in August and won't be writing any updates for the whole month. I may be able to post another animation besides the Ganyu and Shinobu one, but I can't promise it.

Again, you won't be charged in August so there's no need to unpledge.

That's all and see you again in September! :)



Hopefully you can post it soon. See you when you get back. Take care!

Robby Sanchez

enjoy your break Shiro!