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John Wlaysewski

The title says season 5….. fyi

a. tree

An interesting thread between these first three episodes of 6B... In the episode at the lake house, Bobby mentions to Tony that he's never killed anybody because "my father never wanted it for me." In last week's episode, after the hit at the dinner table, Little Carmine tells Tony about this dream that he had about Carmine Sr., which "wasn't about being boss — it was about being happy. We see how struck Tony is by the dream, and we also got to see Tony punish Bobby by making him kill somebody. Now, in this episode, Tony is on the run because his first murder is coming back to bite him, one which was ordered by Johnny Boy Soprano himself when his son was just 22, about to start a family. As the stress has been amping up in Tony's life lately, he keeps being reminded of the choices that he's made that led him to where he is in life — 6A even began with a 2-and-a-half episode dream sequence where he dreamed about what could have been. Lately, he's also being reminded of the ways his father guided him down this path. Paulie is probably the worst person to be stuck with on this trip for that reason: like Beansie said, pretty much all the guy has is his stories from the old days. All of these stories remind Tony of his father, whose negative influences on his life are getting harder and harder to ignore despite how important we know it's been for Tony to idolize him — look how angry he got at Janice for telling the story about Johnny shooting through Livia's hair. You're right — the escalation of Tony's anger towards Paulie was crazy fast this episode, and I think this might explain why.

John Collins

This bringing me back to watching the second half of season 6 in real time back in the day, thinking each week “Things can’t get more depressing than this!” and being wrong every week.


Haven't watched the reaction yet, but this is right on the money. It's no coincidence that we see plenty of Uncle June in this episode, too. A former boss is now pissing his pants and desperately clinging on to his former glory, but he gets his ass kicked instead. Pure disillusionment of the past.


Can’t wait! Hope you two are having a great week!

chobani .

with all due respect

John Wlaysewski

LOL I just noticed Lin Manual Mirada was the bellhop in the episode...

John Wlaysewski

The Sopranos is a pretty rare show. It's actually cool to see how you all watching it in real time years later still go though what we all went through in every season ... mainly, they set up a MOB created power vacuum , and then the fight goes down in the background while ridiculous left field stuff like Jr. and his card game and Tony's dad's mistress in season 5, or Artie trying to be a tough guy etc plays out to add character development to all the side characters... when you watch the show these things seem besides the point or kind of disappointing because we all want to see the mob infighting... but when I rewatch with you, and reflect on what the show is kind of really about it all makes sense. I think David Chase was less interested in the mob and more interested in the human condition and why we admire sociopaths while acknowledging that they are part of a super capitalist evil....

John Wlaysewski

one thing I'm interested to see is how you like the next episode, Chasing It... I think it was my least favorite episode of season 6 when it first aired....the rest of the season after is FIRE...

John Wlaysewski

You’re probably right, I can’t wait to watch again with FRR… haven’t seen it since it aired.

paul carlsen

Might be reading into this a lil hard but I gotta theory that jr always subconsciously wanted to start a family on the other side of the country in Oregon. Wants his dementia starts kickin in he keeps asking for the Oregonian newspaper and here we see him happily watching Oregon weather. Random asf but pretty sad


In terms of the Paulie storyline, I always interpreted this episode as some version of how sad and hollow the life they lead is, in that even the people that you are supposedly the closest to in life, your best friends, are so transactional that each one of them is simultaneously wondering if they are going to get stabbed in the back, or if they need to stab the other in the back first.


I think Chasing It is fantastic. It really shows some things that some viewers really aren't ready to face. I'll say no more for the time being.


Paulie when he's happy: "Heh heh heh" Paulie when anxious: "Heh" The scene on the boat was a masterpiece. I think Tony did want to kill Paulie but he gets frustrated and doesn't go through it because he wouldn't be able to get away with it. It's why he practically shakes his head and grabs the beer instead of the machete. My headcanon is that Carter succumbed to the high stress put upon him to constantly achieved and snapped and beat up his father or something. It's why he doesn't go visit him. He seems to have a tiger mom so I could see it.

Kwame James

Yeah he was looking for a legit reason to kill Paulie if he had confirmed or had any doubt about the Jenny joke question Tony would have killed him because Paulie was looking like a weak link and a liability and the end scene with Paulie he knew what the boat trip was about and he was worried if he would not rat if face with time so he figured if he was physically strong enough he wouldn't rat

Corina Perez

My favorite line comes from the orderly when he says, "Don't count my money (N word)." Just the way he says it always cracks me up.


Great insight here. This is actually my 2nd watchthrough of this season so it's cool to see these kinda thematic connections


This is why Season 6 is the best. So better.


10/10 episode.