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Chris can be a real dick though to that guy who didn't even get credit for the script.


No worries, I still have to hold back some tears whenever I watch the Johnny Sack in this episode. His cancer was like him, too trigger happy and too aggressive, much to everyone's surprise. I love the look on Sil's face when Gerry Torciano gets whacked. He just looks so annoyed and has a face that says, "Hmm. Yeah". He even casually walks out of the restaurant as if he'd rather stay and finish his meal. Next episode is a top 5 episode for me. Very underrated.


Stage 5 is death. We've seen so many characters now end up in Stage 5.

JT Dehaney


JT Dehaney

One of my favourite episodes to rewatch


Even though the "it'll be hard to verify whether I think I'll be more effective" scene is my favorite from Little Carmine, this is definitely his best scene. He may not be some Bobby Fischer mastermind/strategist, but he's a good and wise man who makes great life decisions and knows how to not get in his own way. To me he basically represents everything Tony isn't. I really like how he refers to the title as boss as a worthless paper crown from burger king. He really sees past all this BS


"I beat cancer but it took him out" is the most Paulie quote ever lmfaoooo


“You probably don’t even hear it when it happens”

Corina Perez

I hear kitchen noises in the background. Who yall got cooking back there? I hope it was good. I used to watch the reactions of this couple who did Sopranos reactions. The man was a super dork, and he would come up with all kinds of dumbass conclusions. On this episode, he and his dopey wife said that what was truly tragic about Johnny's passing was how none of his mob guys were there supporting him at the end. As tragic as his passing was, John had his family there with him till the end. The woman he loved and his two little girls. The only people that mattered.

Corina Perez

When Phil says no more, he meant no more laying down and being forced to play nice. He's taking the reigns and charting his own path.


apologies, we try to cut out all the background noise, so we hope it wasn't too disruptive. I love that Johnny went out with his fam by his side though, if anyone else would've shown up it would've felt hypocritical because they were all bad-mouthing him in the end.

Eric Posin

I like that Tony thinks that people will be talking about Cleaver in the year 2107.


I'm glad you caught that, Corina Perez. Very observant. The sacred and the propane.


Well maybe they were just saying the truth how it's a shame they all turned on him.

paul carlsen

when you said he coulda been outside fighting his case that's exactly what he was thinking,, "exercised, ate right" lmao

paul carlsen

bralik really dropped the ember island players reference

Oscar Newsom

This is my favorite episode ending in the entire series. And it's even better on a rewatch after you've finished the show and understand what it sets up. You guys are in for a ride for the rest of the season.

Missy D'esmone

Is there no audio at all on the sopranos episodes? 🤔


For full length there's none copyright infringement but we left visual so you can sync the episode to get the full experience.