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An Artie Bucco masterpiece 😂

Corina Perez

Chris is a moron. Way back in season 1, he thought a computer program would write his script for him. He can't even spell. That's why he's got JT on the hook to write his movie. Adriana was not going to bring anybody down. She had nothing to offer the FBI. Nobody with any clout in the family was going to talk business with her. Chris betrayed Adriana because he wasn't willing to give up the life, not out of any loyalty to the family. Artie also pulled a rifle on Tony when Livia spilled the beans about Tony torching his restaurant. I think Tony has always been tolerant of Artie because he is his only true friend. They are more like brothers. That's why they are able to be so honest and sometimes harsh with each other. I love that scene with Artie cooking. Getting back to his true love and passion for cooking.


Season 6 is a comedy and best season by far.


I was 13 when I last saw this, more than 10 years ago, it's amazing, season 6 and Formal's reaction when Kingsley say's "Fuuuuckkk.." Lol bruh that's hilarious how he said that Lol!

Michael Kang-Beats

You are 100% right on Adriana. She didn't know shit. She would've been a terrible informant. She maybe could've had some shit on Cwistofa. But Cwistofa wouldn't have flipped on Tony. FBI talked big to scare her. Then they let her be killed. ACAB.


Fun fact, when we see the Italians on the flight back in the last scene, you see can see David Chase, the creator of the show, in the background. Also, the thing with Artie, one of the reasons why I like his character is because he’s the only person besides his family that can be real with him. Artie is the only one that can talk back, make jokes, and can say almost anything he wants because he’s one of Tony’s truest friends. I love the back and forth these two have throughout the show, but the best part is, Artie is the one character that can tell how it is to Tony.


Can you please not mention things like that, it breaks the illusion that this is a real life show and not just some scripted acting and for the reactors as well.


what are you saying lmao, there's nothing wrong with pointing out a little detail

Michael Kang-Beats

You must watch Sexy Beast. Amazing movie. Ben Kingsley gives one of the most outstanding performances ever. Then watch Schindler's List and Ghandi and you'll see why he is one of the greatest of all time. No hyperbole. I'm not gonna to criticize an artist for getting paid, but it's almost too bad with some of the role decisions he's made late in his career.

JT Dehaney

Formal predicted an Artie episode a while back at the end of season 5

Kwame James

Yall got it really mixed up first Tony doesn't take average of Artie first the fire only happen because Juror was going to kill someone in the restaurant and because Artie wife he didn't accept his Cruise to close the restaurant and Tony has been trying to help him make money for years but because of his wife he never did it then he tried to be a loan shark with the French guy and borrowed 50k from Tony and became he couldn't play he wiped the 6k Tony owed on his tab not to mention Tony always help him with saving money like the expensive water from the bust out in season two

Kwame James

What show have yall been watching Tony's crew always having success hits their was only too hits Tony's crew didn't do that was carmine the boss of a New York mob family and Johnny the underboss season one Tony killed that rat on college trip then Jimmy who was ratting Junior tried to kill Tony so he wiped out everyone except Bobby, Junior, and some old members and the guy twin on screen they killed two of Junior people and even Junior killed Chris friend second two they killed the twin, Sal and I forgot season one they killed the Colombian that they told to stay out of town then the guy from the retirement house Tony B , Adriana that's just a few approved hits

Corina Perez

Tony does take advantage of Artie. Before the shit hits the fan with the credit card fraud, he sees Artie is struggling financially. So Tony makes a payment instead of wiping his bill. When everything went south with the French Fry, part of the deal was wiping his tab at the restaurant, that is taking advantage of their friendship. Artie is running a business. He needs to get paid for his services. When he offered to let Artie stay with him when he and Artie were separated from their wives, he immediately got him to do business with the cleaners he had a stake in. That offer to stay was not free. Tony offering Artie a chance to make money with him is not a positive thing. It would have involved him in criminal activities. Of course Charmaine put her foot down. She didn't want her husband going down that road.

Kwame James

First you are so misguided it's crazy the cleaning saved Artie like 90% off what he was already paid for linen then their is all the he sold him stolen items and the fact that till now he was completely protected from almost all crime then the fact he should be dead if not for Tony he talked crazy to Tony pulled a gun on Tony after the attempt on his life he tried to hit on Chris girl then tried to talk crazy in front of him he almost borrowed the 50k from Raphael still owes Tony 50k he gave him catering jobs till insurance company gave him the money for his new place and even now he's on his boat enjoying his life he comes to his strip club all the time for free he stops Benny from killing him and I believe at this time he is a made man not to mention a lot of the people that goes to the restaurant go because of Tony and they don't have a tab artie gets a ton of benefits from being Tony's friend

Corina Perez

You are choosing to ignore the ways Tony takes advantage of their friendship. What stolen items? You're all over the place. And the catering job was to alleviate his guilt for burning his business down. That wasn't the act of a charitable man. It was the act of a guilty man.

Kwame James

I'm not saying that Tony doesn't take advantage of their friendship my point is that Artie benefits from their friendship too and what stolen things at the end of season 2 Artie change Carmela water order to the Ramlosa water that he said he got a great deal on it from Tony from the bust out Artie is in a much better place being friends with Tony, Tony might be a horrible person but compared to the others in the show he's one of the better people because Artie could have easily have been David

Kwame James

It's cool I've watched it so many times I don't get to concerned about people take on it they could be right


"...so eat a bread-stick" "another fun fact from the Balkans" so many great quotes this episode.

Carlos Hurtado

Artie was wilin' the whole runtime 😆.