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philly dead, patsy is the living bro

Daniel Cotton

Un sanctioned Alligator fights in the backyard is Crazy


I fuckin love Patsy, with the little screen time he has, he was definantly one of my favorite mobsters. That's the beauty of the Sopranos.


Carmella's therapy session with the older dude had no effect on her. Instead of taking the kids and saving them along with herself she decides to stay for the blood money. And like Bill Burr said "Why is she hanging around like a jaded cop for 3 years trying to get their pension?" The therapist said, she can't say she hasn't been told so she knows what she is doing.


You have to look at it as sunk costs as some point. Sure, it was easy for that guy to tell her to pack up and head for dodge immediately, but real life is not always that simplistic. Tony would never just let her go without a fight, metaphorically and probably physically if she even threatened to truly leave. I suppose she could turn rat, but outside of an aside comment about Richie's death, she has nothing of substance to offer the feds. The guy says to save the kids, but Meadow is a grown adult in college, she can't just tell her to drop out of Columbia on a whim, and even if she could one of Carm's reason for putting up with what she does is to ensure her children get the education she didn't. Plus the kids KNOW. This isn't Walter Jr where they are completely in the dark about their father. So, I'm sure the session with that therapist had an impact, but she locked in these choices years ago.

Tyler Scott

'It won't be cinematic' is some cold ass shit to threaten someones death with, love that line. Like it ain't gonna be dramatic or some big moment, it's just over. And i believe the point of the ending was just that these guys go from threatening someones life to the grocery store and talk to their wife like everythings normal right after, it's nothin to them.


The card game scene was so damn funny bc Sunshine wouldn't shut up with his parables and ended up eating a bullet lmfao. Jackie was a moron but at least Dino had a good head on his shoulders. He could've made something of himself if he'd talked Jackie out of the plan. I even wonder if things would've gone in their favor had they not shot anybody

Ryan Bobsaul

Patsy not philly. I think they showed him at the end, talking on the phone about everyday stuff to show how these guys can turn on and off their ruthlessness on a heartbeat. Patsy did his job and then like anyone else with a job, did normal family things without giving his work a second thought


It’s also really interesting to learn that Ralphie, Tony, Sil, and Jackie all grew up together. Also Formal was definitely right about Johnny being the only reason Tony faced no repercussions for holding up that card game

Aaron Levine (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-13 19:15:18 Hey guys First time commenting. Just wanted to say how much fun it is watching Sopranos and The Wire reactions. 2 of my favorite shows of all time along with Breaking Bad & Better Call Saul. You do such a great job and genuinely make me laugh which is hard to do these days! Wanted to also say about the last scene with Patsy talking to his wife? I guess and driving away. I'm not sure but I think they were implying that Patsy after threatening Gloria Trillo, he actually purchased a car from her dealership?? Again, not positive on that, but anyway thanks again for giving me something to look forward to!
2023-03-29 10:14:48 Hey guys First time commenting. Just wanted to say how much fun it is watching Sopranos and The Wire reactions. 2 of my favorite shows of all time along with Breaking Bad & Better Call Saul. You do such a great job and genuinely make me laugh which is hard to do these days! Wanted to also say about the last scene with Patsy talking to his wife? I guess and driving away. I'm not sure but I think they were implying that Patsy after threatening Gloria Trillo, he actually purchased a car from her dealership?? Again, not positive on that, but anyway thanks again for giving me something to look forward to!

Hey guys First time commenting. Just wanted to say how much fun it is watching Sopranos and The Wire reactions. 2 of my favorite shows of all time along with Breaking Bad & Better Call Saul. You do such a great job and genuinely make me laugh which is hard to do these days! Wanted to also say about the last scene with Patsy talking to his wife? I guess and driving away. I'm not sure but I think they were implying that Patsy after threatening Gloria Trillo, he actually purchased a car from her dealership?? Again, not positive on that, but anyway thanks again for giving me something to look forward to!

C Perry

These dudes called them Nathan Drakes. Took me the fuck out! 🤣🤣🤣