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What up guys,love the reactions 🤣


Can we not see the video to which you're reacting to? Sorry first time on patreon

JT Dehaney

Crazy episode


my man said noah looks like a SIM character I ALMOST DIED

Corina Perez

Noah was a douchebag, I agree with Formal. I think his father's ambitions for him are what made him break up with Meadow. He cared enough about Meadow to introduce her to his dad, but his father knows who her family is, and he knows that his son having an association with the mob would be detrimental to his future.


Just goes to show you how good the writing is that they can do a rape episode, a cancer episode, and a brutal unflinching murder back to back to back and you still have to see what happens next.

Corina Perez

Another HBO series you guys would love is Rome. Very violent show. Only 2 seasons, it was too expensive to produce.

Tyler Scott

The parallels of Tracee and Meadow's lifestyles and privilege/trauma dichotomy this ep is so well done...i think that's why Tony took it so hard, he has a 20 year old daughter and sees both sides of it. Ralphie really is a psychotic piece of shit, this is the episode where he really brought it up a notch and we know he's gonna be a real problem.


Season 3 Sopranos is weird to me, cause I'm going to honest, I think the overall plot is just ok, and a little all over the place (probably cause Livia died), but it has crazy good standalone episodes.


To the point that was made about the intro, it doesn’t matter what HBO show I watch. Everytime that the HBO logo starts, I automatically start singing the intro to The Sopranos because of how great the intro was for it.

Eric Posin

As I recall, around this time David Chase was stating in interviews that he was dismayed at some of the fans who thought Tony and co were good people and maybe that’s what led to an episode like this that has a darker feel than usual. For instance I don’t think they would show Silvio hitting Tracy in season 1.

Eric Posin

I like the song “Living on a Thin Line” but it really is bad stripper music.