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C Perry

Real quick info. Lt. Norman Dike was more complex than portrayed here. Norman Dike enlisted in Jan 1942 and commisioned as a Lt in May 1942. He was a law student with some pretty big connections which could have led to some fast tracking. He received the Bronze Star twice before the events in Foy. He was wounded in Holland and could have chosen tof he chose to stay in hospital before Bastogne, but he didn't. When he was appointed Easy Company's CO, Dike was "double hatting", or doing two jobs at once. He was E/506 CO and a regimental staff officer at the same time. He kept leaving to go to regiment because he was actually doing 2 jobs. The members of Easy were not aware of this. Nor would they be as NCOs or enlisted men. That said, he wasn't a good battlefield tactician. And his freezing and halting the advance on the town according to some was because he was possibly wounded at that moment in the assault. Now, Speirs and his run through Foy was 100% legit. However, according to many it was actually toned down in the show. He ran a greater distance than depicted. It was toned down because they felt it wouldn't be realistic to do it as it happened. The man was a fucking legend.