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  • The Grand Final.mp4



Lilith was consumed by hunger, a hunger so profound that she began to devour everything in her path causing her to grow more and more.

Food was never enough so she started devouring objects... then buildings, cities, countries, the entire world fell prey to her insatiable appetite. Yet, she never felt satiated; instead, she continued to grow, expanding her reach to devour moons and planets, stars and nebulae. Galaxies and clusters of stars vanished into her depths, until she grew vast enough to swallow entire universes, then the very concepts of space and time themselves disappeared far beyond her gullet.

Now, alone in an empty void where nothing remained to satisfy her hunger, there was still one thing she had not yet tasted—



This is my first attempt to animation, not much for movement but for depict the infinity of someone devouring themself through space and time, a lovely paradox I hope you enjoyed 💜
The video version is available in download.



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