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Hi All! Happy September.

So, this month's update is a little late: I'm staying with my folks for two weeks (there's a wedding and a graduation and a visit from an uncle I've not seen in years to attend), so I've not been able to make videos, however I've been smashing some scripts.

YouTube Updates

We hit 40,000 subs on YouTube! Great balls. Let's celebrate.

Shadow of the Colossus Retrospective

  • Script written, ready for audio recording
  • Smooth will edit (my boy)

"Why suicide is a cop-out way to end a story" / Bloober's Blair Witch Review

  • Script almost complete
  • I'll probably edit this one

Undecided third video - either Edith Finch or The Boys (Discord Server Vote)

Raid offered another sponsorship and they were awesome to work with, but I need a video done by the 25th to fit their timeframe. I didn't want to push Smooth for the SotC video and I definitely don't want to put a RAID SPONSOR on a video about suicide (lmfao), so, since I have a few more days on break, I'll whip another script together and write about something I'm really pumped to write about. 

(this will also be the 40k sub celebration)

Twitch Updates

We hit 3,000 followers on Twitch (doesn't sound like loads but Christ, those of you who've taken a fat running jump at Twitch will know what a difficulty that is), so we have some work to do.

3k Follower Special

I think I'll do an Amnesia Collection week! Amnesia Dark Descent, A Machine for Pigs, Rebirth, and whatever else there is in that old collection. We can grab all the trophies and comb the games through, probably over the course of a week. I'll take time off work to do it so I'll announce the chosen dates asap.

3 Year Streamaversary 

God we have a lot on. Still unsure on what to do for this but I reckon trying to finish a game in one stream will be the play. Last year we did Resident Evil 3 and it took 13 hours, it was so fun. So I'd like to do something like that again!

New Games

I've been a little unmotivated by our current line-up so I was thinking of adding The Evil Within to our roster. I'm really in the mood for some linear, fairly action-oriented games with extra difficulty trophies and fun combat. Things like the Resident Evil series, the Uncharted series, Dead Space - if you have any suggestions I will absolutely take them. 

As always, thanks so much for being my Patrons! I'll get you all some more video sneak-peeks when I'm back from my folks and back on the grind :D 

Love you pickles. 



Congrats on all the milestones! I wish I had a better sense of those kinds of games to recommend for the "New Games" portion. They're not really in my wheelhouse, so to speak. But the current lineup has some really interesting prospects!


Thank you David! They all came at once, very exciting. And no worries, hope to excite you with future creations >:)


I love the current plan but also have a rather vague suggestion. Risk of Rain has such an interesting though subtle story in my opinion. It doesn't delve heavily into the topics you cover, or the tropes that provide the uniqueness of your videos, but I think its a really cool game with a really cool backgrunner.


Risk of Rain is a roguelike, right? :D I actually quite enjoyed Hades as I played so I think maybe I'll dabble in a new one