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Happy August Patrons! I decided to skip from weekly to monthly updates now as my video-making productivity probably caps out at a dirty twice per month, so most of these updates were just "I am STILL writing lmao"

Just wanted to say welcome to the new Patrons! With this month we've seen the flamboyant and welcome arrival of Isaac Glatt, Lilly Piper, CombatWombat, Curtis Ball, Karissa Fulcher, Nolan Faragher, and Milot Kristiansen. Thanks so much for being here.

YouTube Updates

The SOMA video went out last week and it was really well-received! Super happy with that and hope you enjoyed it.

Link here if you missed it: https://youtu.be/PJBXqD1R4zU 

Upcoming videos:

- MADiSON review: creepy horror game I played last month that I really wanted to write about! My brother will be helping me out with making the video, which will leave me mostly free to work on...

- The Ready Player One review! I know my channel is mainly about gaming but it technically is a movie about gaming (and pop culture) so I reckon it falls under the bracket. I need to watch it first and I'm on the fence about reading the books too just to get a better idea of what I want to talk about, but I'm concerned the books might take too much time. 

When I manage to get the Ready Player One video ready, I will try my best to get it uploaded on Patreon FIRST, so you guys can watch it a week early, and then I'll post it to YouTube. 

If my attempts are successful, I'll start making it so that you all have early access to every video I make, even if it's only by a few days. I think Vimeo will be the way to do it, but we'll have to see since it seems a pain in the arse.

Twitch Updates

Last month we played SOMA, The Last of Us Remastered, Bugsnax, and Song of Horror. This month we'll be cracking on with Cyberpunk 2077, Resident Evil 7: Biohazard's PS5 stack, and I think we will potentially do some Assassin's Creed Valhalla and some Call of Duty Modern Warfare just to clean up the backlog.

I've not done a marathon stream in a while so if I do, it'll be on a weekend and you're welcome to come along and meet the Twitch side of things!

Life Updates

I climbed Mount Snowdon yesterday! For those who don't know, it's over in North-West Wales - which is an absolutely beautiful country, by the way. Myself and two friends got up at 6am and were climbing by 9am. 

I've never climbed a mountain before and wore some of the least suitable footwear on the planet. Basically slip-on trainers with worn-out soles and zero ankle support. And I didn't put sun-cream on either so I've got a burnt face and arms lmao. Took us six hours but we did it and god I cannot recommend it at all. 

Patreon Updates


  • Comb over the pledge tiers and check they're still accurate
  • Clean up flavour-text and make it a bit neater
  • Maybe replace the random Weezing heading with something else
  • Try and spruce up this place a bit

My question to you: any suggestions on things you'd like to see more as part of your Patreon experience? Any extra ideas for tier rewards that you think might work well? I'm always open to new ideas!


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