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Hi everyone, I'm deeply apologetic for having essentially disappeared this month and wanted to write this so I could say sorry to all of you. As I've said before, I don't really like sharing more than needed when it comes to my personal life, but lately I've been dealing with health and eating problems and a lot of anxiety and heavy panic attacks regarding that, to the point of not being able to sleep at all multiple nights. By now I've been to the doctor and have gotten lab tests and things are not particularly serious after all (I do have health issues that are manageable, but the biggest problem seems to be that my anxiety has gotten much worse in the past month and I've developed a brief choking phobia + swallowing problems that has made it nearly impossible for me to eat and sleep properly for a couple of weeks). Because of that I've also been given strong medication to help me calm down and be able to eat again, and it has more or less kept me drowsy and not really "there" for most of the day, but my body's finally adapting a bit to the medication and the doctor's lowering my dose this week so i should be back to normal while treating my other issues and all should be okay

That said, I feel terrible that I wasn't able to meet my schedule this month at all, especially when I look back and feel like my issues are a little bit silly, so I want to properly apologize to all of you for that and my extreme lack of discipline. I had a lot of plans that I hoped to do this month, being that it's been a year since i started my patreon and all, and I feel like I've completely failed at delivering what you deserved and give you your money's worth

I will do my best put extra effort on october to make up for this, and as an extra note for my T3 patrons: the montly fanart poll should be up now, though unfortunately the winner fanart won't be ready until the first couple of days of october, but we'll also have another separate poll on october so we can completely catch up with everything

Again I'm really sorry for the inconvenience I've caused, I will do my best effort from now on and I'm thankful for your understanding, support and patience, please take care everyone ♡



You’re already doing absolutely amazing, take care of urself!


At the risk of repeating what's already been said a few times: what you're going through isn't silly, even if it has (thankfully) turned out to be manageable. Like gkr said, I personally give so you can have some stability. You deserve to be able to care for yourself without having to worry about producing. I would literally rather burn my money than have it negatively impact your health. I hope you feel better soon. Until you do though, please don't push yourself.


( ̄︶ ̄)↗💖💖


This isn’t silly at all. Please take care of yourself and put yourself first. Wishing you good health 💜


I don't ever comment on patreon, but we're literally all gathered here for smut. Our opinions don't matter more than your health.

Daniel Blom Paulsen

Stop, stop, STOP, you have NOTHING to apologize for! Mental health IS SERIOUS, no matter how "silly" it might seem! And I promise you, you do NOT lack discipline! I struggle with anxiety myself. I had a complete breakdown a few years ago because I was pushing myself way too hard - also from a sense of "discipline". But from that experience I learned how warped my perspective was - I wasn't struggling because I lacked discipline, I was struggling because I had TOO MUCH "discpline", i.e. I felt the need to keep pushing myself way beyond my own limits. As for "silly" mental health struggles, just a few months ago I had another massive anxiety breakdown that had a number of similarities to what you're describing: It was caused by the triggering of a trauma stemming from food poisoning, and I can tell you I felt "silly" for suddenly feeling massive anxiety about something so "mundane". I had my anxiety medication more than DOUBLED (I was briefly on another type of anxiety medication that also just knocked me out), and I'm only now starting to feel properly like myself again mentally (and even then I'm certainly not unmarked by it). Sorry for the thesis, but my point is that you have to be KIND to yourself. Be patient with yourself, and don't denigrate yourself - your struggles are not "silly", and you don't lack discipline; anxiety is no joke, and you are taking the necessary time and energy to rest and care for yourself. 💚

Daniel Blom Paulsen

... I realize now this was posted two months ago. That'll teach me to read the e-mails I get from Patreon properly ... Regardless, everything in my post is equally true.