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Ok, sorry about the late timing of this but we really wanted to do the right thing and get it out to people before the next payment bracket.

Many of you are no doubt wondering what the hold up has been of late in terms of getting art out. Surely with this whole Pandemic and lockdown thing that means more time for art, right?

Well, yes, but unfortunately it's not all art that can be shown off yet.

Just before all of this kicked off we were approached by our friends over at Virtuous Development with an offer that meant choosing between the freedom to do whatever we please here for you guys or refining our scope into producing things for a game we already love and have worked on but most importantly financial security.

Financial Security is something we haven't had in a very, very long time. We hope you all understand why we would consider ourselves foolish to have refused.

We now provide the roles of main artist and lead writer for the development team pushing forward the game's monthly updates. Not only are we thoroughly enjoying ourselves but we are gaining invaluable skills and insights in a field that it's no secret we wanted to embark down ourselves. Not to mention, making great friends who wish to help and support us when that time that comes.

This is, honestly, everything we needed right now and was absolutely the right decision for us to make.

But it was a hard one to make too, knowing that our grand designs for this patreon were essentially to be put on hold.

That's why we're being honest and open with you. We wanted to trial it at first and see how it went, whether or not it worked out, but we're fairly certain this will be how it is for a good long while.

We'll still try to provide what content we can for you guys, such as this work produced as a promotional piece for the game, as well as the reward sketches and commissions that were promised and any other things I can work into this new busy schedule.

As time goes by it's likely we'll grow more accustomed to how things are and get better with our use of time and be able to provide some better content, hopefully, but in the interim we fully understand if you would feel your money is better served elsewhere. Hell, at times like these we'd say that anyway even if things weren't drastically changing for us.

As ever, we thank each and every one of you for your dedication and support, and can only apologise that this is likely not the news you wanted to hear.

We simply hope you can be happy to know that your help got us to where we are, with safe and secure employment doing something we are deeply passionate about.

If any of you would like to check out the awesome game we're working on, please follow this link:

And you can catch us in the Venture Seas discord here:

Speaking of discord, we had considered setting one up as per the many requests we've had. But with the change of pace going forward it feels somewhat redundant.

If anyone has any opinions on that, one way or another, let us know in the comments, and feel free to suggest some things we might be able to try and do to show our appreciation for those of you who do decide to stick by us after all this.

In regards to your Loyalty Rewards, everyone who has earned one to date is entirely entitled to one and will receive one regardless of whether or not they remain subscribed to this Patreon. This is in the interests of fairness.

Unfortunately, this means that after a short grace period following this update, the loyalty reward mechanism will have to be updated with new rules regarding the future earning of the reward. (It's irritatingly complex whether we keep it going or shut it down entirely, so bear with us while we find the best solution please.)

Apologies for the wall of text. We wish all of you the very best no matter what and thank you for everything over the years.




This is pretty awesome! I'm super happy for you! Financial stability is HUGE especially with everything going on., but as a side note are we going to lose NSFW content overall? or could we expect posts like that from time to time? second question, We getting that archive soon? im hankerin for it bruhhh


The game is a NSFW game so don't worry about that, the limitation for what we can post is simply what we can have permission to post~ Once the content is out in the game for a bit we can probably post a bunch of it here otherwise we're leaking all the fun bits early and understandably that's not acceptable. As for the archive, it's coming but slowly. With the writer half of this duo now fully employed writing a bunch of scenes for the game spare time to sift through my mess of files is reduced. We'll try to get it out to you guys ASAP. It doesn't help that it actually needs to be a two-man job half of the time as he isn't certain what one of my many names some pieces fall under so that slows it down even more. It's rare we both find spare time at the same time lately. Thank you for your support though, it is truly appreciated.


Glad to hear you two got a steady source of income. Rather see you guys have some more peace of mind than trying to churn out a bunch of art for us out of desperation while you have trouble making rent.


Much appreciated, it's the only sensible move we could have made given the options. We're just glad to hear the kind sentiments from you guys. <3