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Thank you to everyone who has shown interest~

Even if you haven't had a response to your application yet, you might still be able to get a slot as I work through the ones I have accepted as well as other stuff I need to keep on top of.

And to anyone who missed the window, don't worry. It's practically a certainty that I'll reopen commissions once I've made it through this next rough patch in life.




You work at your own pace hokay Toxxypantsu-sama! The last thing we want is for you to burn out trying to deal with life and health trials by trying to make everyone happy. You're loved whatever happens! &lt;3


Hoooraayy. Hopefully, this gets you out of the funk.


Can't wait for the next one! And hopefully it lines up with my pay period better 😅


I'll probably be able to keep it open longer next time o: I had to close it quickly to make sure I didn't like overwhelm myself at a bad time xD