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Ok so it's news roundup time again to keep you guys in the know. As the title suggests there's plenty of it and it's a bit of a mixed bag.

The good news is that my gut issues have been improving a little lately. I'm not out of the woods yet, and I don't want to jinx anything by even thinking that, but simply making positive progress is a nice change of pace.

Unfortunately, that's all there is as far as good news goes.

Life is throwing a new curveball at us in the form of the fact that we now have to move out of the place we've been living in together for the past ten years. As you might imagine it's going to be a stressful time pulling up those roots and settling somewhere else but it's gotta be done and hopefully it's a move for the best. The deadline for this move is March and it was somewhat dropped upon us approximately a week ago so apologies in advance because things are likely to get very hectic and not leave an abundance of time for me to focus on work. I can only hope that my improved well-being will balance this out and I will at least be able to cope with my recent pace of getting stuff out to you guys.

This leads me nicely onto the subject of what work I'ma be producing. I think the sensible thing would be to delay any projects for now until I'm clear of this mess. That means I'll mostly be working on the commissions I've promised you guys, plus the sketch freebies people have earned and whatever else I can fit in on top of that stuff.

I think that mostly covers it. Hope you guys had a wonderful Christmas and fingers crossed it'll be a good year for everyone.

Stay tuned for an update on commission applications, it shouldn't be too long before I can post a price sheet and start accepting candidates.



Moves are always stressful as hell, especially if it's not what you wanna do. Sending good vibes your way!!


Good luck, boss! I hope everything goes well ♥️


Hopefully everthing will be alright, good luck!

Kappa Yui

Good luck on your ventures! Wishing you both the best!