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wip :O

Random idea I head, here's the jist;

Blind orc/chimera man is found and enslaved by, well, slavers, femboy over there happens to be a recent slave too. Femboy slave can't get out of encampment by himself so get's orcyboy on his side, they escape with muscle strengths. Femboy can't bring himself to ditch a blind kind giant, stays with him and proceeds to go on wacky adventures with femboy as orcyboys eyes. And sex, lots of sex. :3c

Tell me what you think, I'm sure I could refine the idea. It's basically just blind monster guy and femboy that is basically his guardian, a fun switcharoo with the power dynamic. o:




Very cute idea!! I'm defo down for more of that ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


Definitely a cute one.

Shaun Bonner

I want to see them in a comic.