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This is an update that's been a long time coming, but one of those things that I've kept putting off and putting off in the hope that it'd get better but here I am staring down December with a problem I'd hoped to solve back in August.

I won't bore you with the details (though feel free to ask 'cause I feel like I've learned a ridiculous amount of stuff about health, diet and nutrition as a result of trying to fix myself) but essentially I have an issue with my gut. For the past few months I've been at appointments left right and centre trying x, y and z to fix it but as yet I've been unable to get rid of this severe pain in my side.

Not only have I lost time seeking all kinds of medical help but also in doing my own intensive research trying to figure out what's wrong where doctors have, so far, been unable to pinpoint.

It's affected my work rate more than I'd like. I struggle to focus at the best of times but lately this pain has made drawing very difficult. As I've said, I should have let you guys know sooner but I kept hoping that a solution was just around the corner and I could get back to normality.

But now it's time to face facts! I'm not getting better any time soon, and this is something you guys should know for transparency's sake. The second protagonist for the upcoming Around the World in 80 Traps is almost done, but once it is I'll be taking a break from that project and pushing it into the new year.

In the meantime, as a way of saying sorry, I'll try to throw up some polls and give you guys more of what you want until I feel like I'm in a better place to pick it back up again.

Thank you to everyone who has stuck by us. As always we'll do our best to make it up to you. We just have to make it through this last stressful month and hopefully find some clarity and good fortune in 2019.


- Toxxy. 



Feel better soon!


Take as long as it takes your health is more important, get better soon! &lt;3


No reason to say sorry. Take care of yourself man! Hope you feel better soon.


Hope you are able to figure out what's going on soon!


Still exploring other avenues, more doctors to see and appointments and stuff. Fingers crossed someone will figure it out soon.


You can't help a thing like this happening. It's good to hear what's going on. Here's hoping they'll be able to quickly figure you out and get you back to normal.

Sean Robinson

Gotta take care of yourself first man, we can wait. Best of luck