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Hey everyone! First and foremost we'd like to thank all of you who supported us last month, we'll be forever grateful and we truly appreciate you sticking by us. We hope you all had a great holiday season and are looking forward to the coming year as much as we are.

As always, we'll be taking this opportunity to throw out the monthly Ask Us Anything thread, so go ahead and ask any questions that might be on your mind down below~



I'm trying to get back to my art. Any advice for coming out of a short term hiatus?


Tough one to advise for~ But what I usually do is just look around at artists I really like, get inspired to do things again to improve my style or try to produce something as good as theirs. But most importantly I take the time to do something that I really personally would enjoy doing. It's easy to get burnt out doing what people expect of us, or doing things we're obligated to do in order to make ends meet as an artist. We do hope you get back into it soon though, always eager to see what you produce. <3


Could you provide the sketches you do to practice or something like that? I love seeing them ;;


How long does it generally take you to turn an idea into an initial sketch, and then to a finished piece? Do you have a lot of unfinished sketches sitting around, that you're not sure where to go with?


Yeah I try and keep them coming out but I've been mostly doing big pieces lately so there's not much to show.


It varies a lot because I have ADD and also do a lot of chores 'n stuff so I don't get as much time as I'd like to just work on things. I consider it good when I get something completed start to finish over about 3 days~ And there's a million unfinished things laying around, motivation is a fickle beast. x3