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Thanks to everyone for sticking around! Here's our first actual update. Higher tier rewards coming shortly after.

And for those who haven't read the story;

The adventuring life never had sat well with the young mage. The thrill had quickly been lost beneath near constant peril and what seemed like endless trudging through difficult terrain. It was a far cry from the comfortable life of his scholarly upbringing. Only the camaraderie of his two companions, a sleek canine ranger and an impressively large dragoness warrior, had kept him from abandoning his silly aspirations of fortune and glory. Surprisingly, the dragoness had taken quite a shine to him. He found solace in her slumbering form nearby as the nocturnal chorus kept him from finding restful sleep despite the several flasks of wine the trio had gotten through that night. The unicorn found himself rolling over to face her, hoping to allow the fire to warm his back. The last thing he expected was to find her staring right back at him. Before he could even utter a single syllable, she was atop him. Her hand wrapped over his muzzle, muffling the squeak of surprise that would've alerted the ranger as he patrolled the woods around their camp on his watch. The questions asked by his wide-eyed gaze were soon answered. A rosy tint growing on his cheeks was visible even in the flickering glow of firelight as she muscled her way between his legs in order to grind a rather well kept secret against his hindquarters.

Moments later he felt her rummaging through his robes, tugging fabric out of the way and allowing the pre-slick head of her cock to kiss against his tailhole. His squirms of protest ceased as she raised a finger to her lips, demanding his silence before she finally released his mouth and took hold of his hips with both hands. Slowly but surely the tapered cocktip teased apart his pucker, the thick, ebony organ sinking steadily into the inviting depths as those powerful hips eased forward. A wet 'squish' and the press of swollen balls between his cheeks assured him she'd finally run out of dick to stuff into him. The dragoness wasn't in the mood to let him catch his breath as he lay impaled on the cock, slowly withdrawing it only to slide it back in with the same gentle but insistent press of her hips. He found his own hands clasping over his mouth now, desperately holding back the noises that his throat couldn't keep contained anymore as the dragoness began roughly rutting him by the warm glow of the campfire. In retrospect, it would have been wise for the mage to brush up about draconic mating habits...In some instances copulation was known to last for hours.



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