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 "Step into my parlor." said the spider to the fly.  



My lovely patrons will get:

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  💜 step-by-step images

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  💜 video process (sketch + lineart/Livestream part + finish)

  💜 NSFW version (Preview )




Next stream when? :D


I'm going to run into that palor. Great work


*sweating intensifies*


Very nice! Wish I could have made it to the live stream


Hey guys :) Anybody in for a purple version of widowmaker? Because dandonfuga said in the live stream that if we want some we can get some. So i asking everybody who want it to make some noise in the comments :D or like this post. Together we can make it happen ;) Btw awesome work as ever :) i lovin it <3

Ciarán M

Your parlour? Widow, I'll go wherever you want 😍💜😍💜😍 Seriously though, this is some fantastic work, the colours are just gorgeous with the contrasting warm tones of her eyes 💛 and skin against her cooler attire, hair and background. The actual rendering is of course sensational, I particularly adore the strongly contrasting shadows and rim-lights across her hair, the rim-light along the entirety of her left side is terrific too, both they and the core-shadows next to them really accentuate the forms, especially so at her arm and that curvaceous bum! Her attire is amazing too with the sheen of her goggles and the metallic-armour parts of her top and I especially like the folds around her shoulder, the way you've defined the plane-changes is wonderful. And then there's that pose! So magnificently sexy with the look she gives us, those luscious purple lips shining 💜, breasts illuminated with her incredible stomach on display and protruding with the arch of her back and of course, the diagonal tugging at her panties, revealing just a hint of the space between her thighs as she so sensually crosses them 😍😍😍😍😍. The actual cast shadow from the panties is a great detail and I adore the rendering of her hand, that plane change from her hand to her fingers is marvellous. Absolutely sensational work, Dandon 💜💜💜💜💜! So delightfully sexy and beautifully painted!

Ciarán M

It will come as no surprise to Dandon that I am totally, one-hundred percent on board with a potential purple version 😄😍💜


Really happy that you drew widow, my bae and most played on OW😍. Drew her amazingly, marvellous job😙👍

Marcus Aurelius

Fantastic. First thought that popped into my mind was "Well helllllooooo Ms.!' Sultry from the eyes on down.

Kravenar Games

Man, this is really really hot *_*


\o/ great!!


Well its seems like it is time for me to go play Overwatch XD


*steps into the parlor willingly* <3 (Purple version pleeeeeze!) <3



Pervy Sage

She looks gorgeous always love how you do the lips and thighs for the characters especially this one that pose my god❤️❤️!!! >‿‿◕ Kinda bummed out I missed the stream I didn't realize the time zone difference oh well always next time ≧◡≦


I love youu~


Personne échappe a mon regarde! She looks wonderful! Amazing work as usual Dandon :) I dunno how I can compliment you more than I already have! But...I still need to bleach my brain from the stream....


Liked watching the stream and talking with the people there. Can't wait for that Junkrat, though!


Love this! Great work.


Does she got the booty? Yes she does.


Damn! You've outdone yourself with this one, my dear! She's to die for! :)


You did a spectacular job!!!


I am now a Widow main...


Careful girl, you might tear those panties...



Ashley Mason

No better way to paint Widowmaker than without her pants. Her lovely asset, one of her most shapely defining feature, on show. To imagine her dancing, twirling as she gyrates those hips round and round. Hand caressing down her delightfully peachy body to tease and emphasis those curves that mesmerize. Her perfect derrière steals my attention as it bounces by. She pauses to face-- her target in sight. Her plump lips pucker, a dazzling purple lipstick shines. Not a hint of a smile to break her steely lips, but she smiles with those amber eyes so seductively. Ensnared, I am. A fly in her web. No escape. A sweet end to beg for. *-* Widowmaker was created for you! So perfect! Its as she is your own creation. And each time you paint her, I am in love. <3

Christopher Edwards

Oooo I like it! I wish I could have been at the livestream to watch you work on her.


Oooooh man.


"Okay." said the overly distracted and eager (text or point n click, it doesn't matter) Adventure game player. :P lol Really awesome work, love the pose and the expression. Very cool. :)


baguette du fromage.




Holy goodness, that butt... O_____O Amazing job Dandon! :D


This was so fun to watch


If I saw her like that walking down the beach, I might have to run for the water to hide a rather prominent physical aspect to avoid embarrassment... Ahem! Absolutely lovely work Dandonchan! ^_^


any chance of a futa version? 8-)


So, if I get the pink chest for 2 weeks, I'll be able to get the NSFW version? (I'm kinda new in patreon)

Ashley Mason

Yes- the pink chest will score you the NSFW versions at the end of the month.


Is there anyway to get older art?


Yes. You can purchase them at Dandon's gumroad page. Just google "Dandonfuga" and "Gumroad" to find it.


Hahaha :P (I'm glad I'm not "build" to have that kind of "problem" XD)


Oh myyyy, thank you so much, you're always so shiny with your amazing comments! ♥ Squirrel! Srriirrrrlll. XD


It's always such a pleasure to read your comments, someday I want to give you a real hug for your kindness ♥ :3 Thank you sooo much, Ciaran :)




I think blizzard is trying to tell me something, I opened my 4th duplicate of this skin today and you decided to draw it as well. Luckily I really love the new Widowmaker skin and you definitely nailed it once again! Your accuracy is stunning, everything is perfect. Her face is beautiful, and that body…. oh my god!!!! I love all the details you put on the upper part of her outfit and the infra-sight googles! Now for the lower part, we can all agree that your poses are the best! A pantless Widowmaker combined with that pose offers a divine view! Now I want to miss even more headsho…. I mean play Widowmaker even more :p . This is a very beautiful artwork Dandon, you've outdone yourself once again :D ! I was already excited when you released your Me!Me!Me! artwork but now, I just can wait no longer!


What, really? I opened around 15 Uprising lootboxes and I only got some spraaaays T_T you're such a lucky fellow! Thank you so much for your kind comment, Tasty! :) I'm glad you like my take on Widowmaker :3 And I'm jelly because you got her FOUR times XDD


I know I just joined today and I haven't been billed, but is there anyway I can get the NSFW version of this?