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 Yoko ~ Second winner of the latest poll :)


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This is amazing!!! You have done amazing job!!!


O_O! I love the expression you gave her, suits her nicely :) I've been looking forward to this piece, and clearly for good reason! Great work Dandon :D


Yokoooo~~ Ich liebe es wie du ihr Gesicht hinbekommen hast! ❤


Oh, all of my YES. Yoko is one of my favorite anime characters, and I think you've nailed her personality. Nice work!


YESS!!!! I was hoping Yoko would win. (T^T)

Ciarán M

Oh my word! I am in total love with this 😄😍. Her expression with that sly wink, cute smile and way that she holds her goggles is so cute and I adore her hair and how it flows and twists around behind her, so brilliantly detailed as the hair you paint always is. Her pose looks great as well with how her face and body not only point in different directions, but lean at different angles which, in addition to the flowing of her hair, manages to keep her pose dynamic. The rendering of her body is of course, sensational with the anatomy looking fantastic, I particularly like the shoulder area of her left arm and how her breast connects to it, her cleavage is very well done and you know I love the long rim-lighting running down her right arm and thigh. Her abs and the curving contours of her waist and hips with her voluptuous thighs spreading out are just... Phwwooaarr!!! 😍😍😍😍😍 You did a great job on her bra too with the shine of the material and how the flaming pattern conforms to the forms of her breasts, similarly so on her panties while the folds of her... scarf? I want to say that it's a scarf 😂, whatever it is, looks marvellous 😀, as does the material of her goggles with the shine and transparency. Absolutely gorgeous work, Dandon 💜💜💜💜💜, fun, cute and sexy.


Great job as always Dandon! I really enjoy the interplay between the scarf and her hair. Theyve both got volume and definition. Her expression is both playful and come hither yet evocative of her sniper roots. (I think its the one eye open). Finally, I really lile the way you drew her gloves for some reason, the buttons are just shiny enough to come off as metallic!

Dack Janiels

Amazing Dandon, love that wink she gives


*o* I loved the colors you used, a lot of hot temperature colors

Didi Esmeralda

Wow I love it Dandon, Yoko in your style is wonderful😍😍😍!!


Amazing work as always Dandon

Pervy Sage

Daaammmnnnnn!that pose is just fan freakin tastic!!!! I love how it looks like she's teasing everyone with her gorgeous looks haha. So far this must be your best month of batches I know I said this before but damn just damn picture after picture so far none have cease to amaze me !!! I love your art style there's something about it I can't describe with words but it gives me a vibe of life besides that keep soaring I love you and your artwork!!!!:D



Pervy Sage

Damn Ciaran the way you described her was just perfect I could learn a thing or 2 from you :)


Hot and cute in equal measure. :)



Christopher Edwards

Oh she looks soooo good Dandon! I definitely need to show this to her voice actress! I think you nailed this drawing of her! ❤


Yo damn. Yknow, of the /literally millions/ of Yoko pics, this is actually pretty standout. Your unique style actual gives her voluptuous nature a nice boost.


Love redheads. Especially this beauty. Definitely a crush of mine when I first watched this years ago. Now to wait and see if " the carpet matches the drapes." 😜Seriously though, great work. Never disappointing to see your work. 😁

Vulgar Maestro

I think I just squeed my pants :o!!! She's my #1 Waifu, and I absolutely <3 your rendition of her, so, as always, thank you very much.

Ashley Mason

Superb, stunning, magnificent-- all words that don't quite reach the mesospheric heights that is your painting of Yoko! Sie ist umwerfend. The lovely, sexy Yoko, with that playfulness and charm to her, all captured so amazingly here. Her bouncy breasts held aloft by her bikini so sleek and fiery. They have a mighty look to them, weighty and jubbly-lovely, almost bursting from her black bikini. To be reincarnated as a pig-mole would be a blessing far too great for this chump known as me. The extra touch of her matching bikini bottoms, stripped of her short shorts--the smooth, peachy skin just above-- hgnnnh-- I like it a lot! :3 Those pink thigh-high stocking, squeezing against those lovely thighs, making them all the more tantalizing, and leading me to those hips so wonderful as she sits in wait. Its as her clothes, what little she wears, enhances so much for her allure. Its not just as more flesh to be shown, nor is it the imagination of what is not shown. But, instead, it gives a tangible feel to her body that tantalises the mind. The softness of her thighs as pinched by her stocking. Her ample bosom as the bikini struggles to keep them contained, swelling out. Her lovely hip as her bikini strap sinks in, rather than riding high over them. All the subtle touches of her body. There is so much to ogle, even beyond the divine body in her bikini. The scarf wrapped loosely around her neck. A volume and soft shape to it, as it scrunches and folds around her neck loosely. The lighting, even the colours, give credence to its softness. Her vibrant red hair, long as it is beautiful, flowing down as a river of red. Her fringe wild and fiery, and a thick strand of hair running down either side of her face for style. Chopsticks to hold her hair in place, and a skull clip to adorn. (I want that as a tattoo on my foot!) A character whose design is so utterly sexy, yet its as her own flaunting is unintentional. But she oozes sexy nonetheless. This is Yoko, and I love it. The raising of those orange glasses with the added wink really makes this just all too perfect! <3


Love your yoko <3 looks amazing


This is beautifully painted! <3

Gomen Son

oohoohoo. YES!! Super excited!! Can't wait. I love Yoko. So this is gonna be one I'm looking forward to.


"So I hear your drill is the drill that will pierce the Heavens," Yoko whispered suggestively as her index finger left a winding trail down to her flame embroidered panties. "Mmmm. Let me see how far that drill of yours can go then..." Hehe. In all seriousness, I really love how you nailed her attitude. She's a hot redheaded spitfire that kicks ass. Thank you Dandon. Your redheads are always so awesome! ^_^


Thanks so much, Ninja!! I love your comments :3 ♥ It's always fun to read your words XD


Yeah, I tried to keep the colors warm, fits her personality more :D Thanks for your comment Pablo!


Yoko is wonderful and you did a great work. She's georgous wow, love her tights


Haha glad you like the way I painted her \(≧▽≦)/ Thaaanks Willy!


Wow, thanks a lot for your kind comment, Ivar!! ♥ Yoko was great to draw, she has such a great design :)


Oh my, now I'm nervous O_O Thanks a lot for your comment, Christopher :3


I'm super happy that you like how she turned out, because I know you are a fan of the series :) Thanks a lot for your super great comment! All my YES to that tattoo idea! Do it! XD Thanks for always being so amazing, Ash~~ <a href="https://i.giphy.com/wSY4wcrHnB0CA.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.giphy.com/wSY4wcrHnB0CA.gif</a>


Many nuts.... shall be busted across the globe to this one and I'll be putting this one on my wall. I have slowly been replacing all my wall scrolls in the house with my own custom wall scrolls of your work Dandonfuga. Your work is just way to precious to be on a computer screen alone. My friends that have come over are all like 'Holy Crap! What artist is this!? These are incredible looking!" So hopefully I've sent a few Patreons your way! &lt;3