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Looks great! I should really get around to playing that game one of these days.


Bitte höre niemals auf zu zeichnen!

Ciarán M

Oh wow Dandon, I actually smiled when I saw the title say that you had painted Kat and then I gasped in amazement when I saw what you had produced 😄. This is utterly magnificent, I love the background with the view of the city in the bottom left, the colours are incredible with the clouds and varying blues in the sky that contrast against Kat's warm tones 💙. Her pose is terrific with the way her long, luxuriant hair and scarf each flow out as her magnificent body curves so sensually with the arch of her back and motion of her thighs. And then there's the actual rendering, her face is gorgeous and I adore her red eyes and shining lips, her hair of course looks terrific, I particularly like the brightest lights along the top, her closer arm is great too with the definition of her shoulder and her hand is so well done while her thighs below are definitely deserving of a "Phwooaarr!!!", particularly as the gold trimming wrap around their forms 😍💛😍. Her clothes look amazing too with the folds of her scarf around her neck (the blue along the left of it is a lovely detail) and the way the flowing material wraps around and twists, tinted blue by the sky. The various gold designs around her breasts and extended stomach go further towards defining her forms and it has to be said, I do rather like the bright rim lights along her bum ;). Magnificent work, Dandon 💜💜💜💜💜, you're getting me all excited for the sequel and once again, the background is gorgeous, so glad that you included it 😄.


Man I should...play this game sometime or something.


Do more of her!


Omg I love Kat!!! I'm playing this game right now! Too bad no one in game finds her pretty, lol. You captured her amazingly and I always love your backgrounds, this totally looks like a selfie from in game! Although I'm missing poor lil Dusty.


Dandon, you need to draw the swamp witch from witch and the 100 Knight!!


Great work! 😁 The pose and atmosphere are refreshing to see. There's a great flow to the character. The scale of the city in the background is a magnificent addition. Thanks for pushing your skills in this awesome illustration.

Christopher Edwards

She looks awesome Dandon! Love the composition in this! Her expression looks very playful. <3


This is spectacular!!!! That background is gorgeous! 😍😍😍


Gorgeous work Dandon! Haven't actually played (or even heard of) this game, but everything looks great when you're the one drawing it :)


Kat is bae <3 Great work as always :)

Dack Janiels

That looks gorgeous, Kat is best girl. Maybe we could see a drawing for raven too? :)


Such an underrated game on an much more underrated console.


Greta picture, in-depth detail as always, damn good impressive shading and muscle tonage, her expression seems a little angry for Kat but Hell maybe it's just determination. :) Great work, keep it up!



Ashley Mason

Kat is glorious. ~(=^‥^) You did a magnificent job to capture her sweet wonder and that great sensation of freedom. From the more dynamic pose, to her gentle expression, and the stunning background, all just perfect for her. She has a sweetness and naivety about her. A subtle smile gives her a wonder and pleasant glee, and those striking red starry-eyes that believe in that ideal world, and to enjoy and experience all what life can offer her. Her pose is fantastic- arms out stretched, floating free above the world. A real sense of that lightness and space- the azure open sky as her friend. Her hair weightless as she floats. Her scarf drifting and curling about as she defies a law of nature. She is enjoying the world for just the moment, of all its hidden beauty, before she dives down and kicks some black blob's red orb weakness. A calm before the ass kicking storm. XD So pleased that you worked with her character. It has such great levity and awe. The background achieves a great deal in setting everything perfectly- and looks great! A wonderment, a freedom of life to gaze upon. And can't help but to feel a gleeful happiness from her. It is beautiful to see. It is just beautiful. <3


Visually stunning piece of work that is pleasure for the eyes. While I am not familiar with the series or character (seen a few trailers), you certainly have captured a sense of wonder and fun at the same time with it. It's like a combination of factors from her playful expression to the colorfully bright background that was done very well behind her. All in all, you've created a dynamic picture that, while still, seems to be in perpetual motion. As for Kat, she is certainly beautiful as you have depicted with a sorceress like outfit that blends both mystique and sexiness at the same time. Those legs! I have to turn up some ZZ Top while looking at Kat, because she certainly got legs. Love it, Dandon! ^3^

Cyril Vaxx

I fully agree with Ashley. I couldn't have said it better.


Well, another reason for me to buy a ps4, she's awesome !


Yeah, it really looks good, maybe it´ll be released on pc someday \(★ω★)/


I have to thank you! Without supporters like you, I wouldn´t be able to do that, thanks a lot Claudio!


The games does look cool indeed! I need to get the ps4 as soon as injustice 2 comes out :D


I´m not totally sure about the ps4 yet, but I´ll probably get one as soon as Injustice 2 comes out (✯◡✯)


Earning a "Phwooaarr!!!" makes a normal day super special! Thank you so much, I'm glad you like it :)


Ohh, thank you so much, Ivar! ♥ I'm a bit jealous that you're playing the game :3


Oh wow, thank you so much for your kind comment, Ninja!! I'm glad you like the pic :3


love it! I love Kat.:D


A little later, but splendid ! Will you do Raven too ?