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Multiple votes are allowed, show me which ladies you want to see ♥



I hope Makoto will be one of the poll winners. 🙏


Let's go Cammy with mini mush baseline! There's never enough of her! My 2nd choice is Dehya and you could also do Candace since you didn't draw her yet =)


Lets goo! Hope to see Cammy with her new SF6 win pose!


yeah. Cammy basically won as soon as she was put on the board


Yooooo, Makoto made it into the top 4. \o/

Kirin Heftye

I don’t know if this is how suggestions work. But since she didn’t make the cut this month would it be possible for me to resuggest the murderous big lady for next month ☺️: Jellyfish Queen Jengu - Castle Swimmer


i really hope so too, one of the most badass video game women. maybe second only to Aranea Highwind, who I've been asking for, hopefully Makoto gets in even if she doesn't win

David Rudisill

Cammy, Nico and Nagant got my votes.


Hey Dandon I love the choice of characters you threw out this time, but can I feel like you skipped over Jujutsu Kaisen characters during its popularity, so would you consider doing Mei Mei or Maki Zenin from the anime?


Undercover Kor please, is the only one thing I ask 👏


More Makoto votes guys!


Would really love Maki and Nobara Art.. together 😭