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Hey :3

Unfortunately there will be a delay with the artwork, at the moment I am saving the variants and will send out the artworks tomorrow. BUT the last artwork is still in progress and I don't want to rush it. So I will send out the last artwork with all the variants separately later this week :) I'm sorry, painting the variants was fun, but I was a bit slow. 🦥🦥🦥




holy shit that kiriko is beautiful


You're good Dandon, keep us posted


don't worry dandon , we'll look forward to it

Ashley Kate

No biggie, take your time.


You Know.. Attaching this picture doesn't help the longing LMAO Tho, no sweat


Patience is a virtue that I can afford to wait on these beautiful artwork

Ferc Polo

Woohoo! Magic mushrooms!


For Kiriko I can wait as much as you need.


only a few more hours ♥ https://media.tenor.com/tHnnUJSL72QAAAAC/drawing-anime.gif


Take your time Dandon!

Ashley Mason

Never a need to be sorry for offering your best work- you are a champ! Always happy to wait for such goodness of your art, each and every lady is worth it. Yum yum. :3 Plus would hate to make you feel rushed. Take your time. <3

Ferc Polo

Damn, but Kiriko is next level. Amazing work!