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This is Bun, one of the two protagonists of a comic project I would love to start this year :)

I'll show you the second lady soon :3


My awesome patrons will get:

  💜 full size image

  💜 step-by-step images

  💜 PSD file

  💜 video of the full coloring process 

  💜 NSFW Content (Preview )

  👓 "No Glasses" version




Just would like to say I love your original characters the most.




New comic project! That's awesome!


A new surprise to begin this year, this year is looking awesome already XD


Wow, new year, new and interesting developments. Lots of /plot/ too. Nice!


Nice design :3

Christopher Edwards

Oooooo! I love her design! Can't wait to see the other character and the possible comic! Can't wait to see what you bring this year.

Ciarán M

Oooooh, I am a big fan of her 😍. I adore the colours, the way her cool-toned clothes contrast with her caramel skin, her beautiful emerald eyes shining through with her platinum blonde hair surrounding her 💚💛. Her demeanour is terrific too with that feisty expression and sexy pose, hand on hip as she pushes it out all while holding her bat at the ready (I don't know if you did this consciously, but the fact that, in this picture at least, she's left handed makes me ever so happy 😄). Her overall design is a wonderful blend of badass and sexy too, the sexiness added by her glasses, the way her platinum hair drapes over her breasts, hinted at through the ever-appreciated boob-window 😆😈, her Cammy-style body-suit allowing those marvellous hips to be seen with the tan-line from her currently absent thong visible above her low-worn pants. The badass part of her design, for me, comes from her fingerless gloves, the bat and of course, that jacket which itself adds to her sexiness as it slides down her shoulder. I haven't really complimented the technical side of the painting, apart from colours, because you're just so damned good that I end up repeating myself 😂, regardless of that, I have to praise, in particular, the rendering of the jacket with it's many folds and those fantastic edge-lights (everything else, is painted beautifully, of course). Even without gushing over details, my comment ended up being a mini-novel anyway... whoops 😅. Regardless, brilliant work, Dandon 💜💜💜💜💜, you've painted her beautifully and shown once again that you're a kickass character designer, Bun definitely gets me excited to see the other character.


Bun is lovely.

Al Truist

Very nice! What sort of comic would it be?


Your art...As a comic?... Shut up and take my money!!


Oh my. Where do I begin? First off, I'm always a sucker for dark skinned girls. Glasses and tsundere attitude combine for hotness. This is increased exponentially by a hot body suit that reveals some lovely assets of hers. Add into that a trenchcoat and bat for some badass qualities and we have one vivacious, interesting character I really love and look forward to. So sweet and delicious looking, I dare call her Honey Bun! ^3^


Oooh, love me some glasses! I like how you added that slight bit of reflective surface to show she is actually wearing glasses and not frames with holes. Also, I'm assuming she's named bun because of her bun? I actually thought she'd be a bunny XD.


Love her! She looks so sassy. Pretty sure everyone wants to see a comic drawn by you


Wow! She looks really cool!!! It's awesome seeing another character from you!


not really my type but still pretty good


Still plan on doing a comic with Brunhilde? She's badass, I like Bun too but I would much rather read a comic about Brunhilde. 🤣


So not related to Negan?


Looks very sexy and badass, can't wait :)


Fucking awesome .... check out my drawing :) ... thank you.


Ooooohhh, Comics!

Ashley Mason

Bun is one bad-ass gal! A trendy adorableness to bury anybody with a glance, and a menacing baseball bat to be sure they are well and truly dead. Your OC's always have a style of their own, and a that's a style that I love. Bun is very funky and cool, with touches of badass sexy and hinting at more character behind it all. And you use art to show who she is, not just what she looks like. Subtle touches, small tastes to her to build an awesome character. It is all in her pose, that outfit and face. A perfect mix of adorable, sexy and badass. Showing off her sexy hips with a leotard riding high above her tiny shorts- hints of tanline of her string bikini to be seen. The flesh to view so innocent, yet an idea that rouses the imagination and stirs those desires. Plus the window to view of her leotard doesn't hurt. :3 And all that sexy is wrapped in her bad-ass with a leather jacket casually hanging from her, slouching from one side and a baseball bat propped on the other, showing her meanacing mettle. Fingerless gloves a practical touch of her bad-ass, and the studded bracelet cause she is. But it is her adorable and trendy look with a slouch beanie drooping on her head, her long creamy-white hair wrapped in two cute buns, a neat cut fringe and two long strands on either side, with an understated cuteness of her glasses that really makes her stand out as all that awesome. The colours work so nicely, too- mute in general tone with a warming life in her eyes and the pizzazz of the graffiti on her bat (a perfect statment). She has almost earthy feel, grounded in the world. Darkened grey jacket, gunmetal unitard, creamy white hair and beige shorts, and her lovely tanned skin all work wonderfully well, setting a tone and fitting with her outward attitude. The bat with its bright orange grafitti to be noticed, a warning, almost daring. Yet, her magnificent green eyes magnified in beauty by her black-framed glasses and blushing cheeks give her that warmth, a cuteness and softness that hides beneath her tough as nails façade she holds. She has this cute-moody and fearless attitude. You can see she cares for someone and willing to protect them no matter what. And I can almost imagine she dislikes to be taken for a fool. Cannot wait to see her friend, and the comic that they star in. :3 And I like to think the graffiti on her bat says Ceshire Cat. A wicked smile in a most brutal of physical forms, swinging from almost nowhere to knock the stupid, cocky grin from those who dare stand up against her and her partner is crime. :3


Yes Maam!

Cyril Vaxx

Looks great, Dandon! Looking forward to reading/seeing it. :D


Hi Dandon, frohes neues Jahr! I hope you had an amazing christmas time. It's been awhile, but I'm back (... Fairchild ... Fairchild ...), you have to imagine the shouting, but I'm rather loud at the moment. I'll definitely support your comic project!!! Always looking forward to your art. All the best in 2017.


Being able to discover an artist's original universe is always a pleasure. I really like what I see. :)


Hey congrats Dandon, I wish you good luck with the project 😊


H O T ! :D


Hi, I just started as a patron and was wondering if it was possible to get previous files, specifically Harley Quinn, Starfire and a couple others, or if I've completely missed out on these?


Hahaha! She´s not THAT evil lol I still need to watch that season of Walkin dead, but I´m kinda frightened haha


Oh myyyy, youuuu!! :D Thank you so much, it's so amazing for me that you like her design ♥ Uploading original stuff always makes me a bit nervous :3 Thank you, Ciaran ♥


Ecchi~fighting~cute~funny~and~gore~ish XD That would be the genre I would love to do :)


Haha yeah, the idea was to make her bunny-themed, that's why I gave her that haircut. I liked the name "Bun" because of her buns and it sounds a bit like bunny. :3


Hello Justin, thanks a lot for joining :) You're pledging for the current batch, previously released batches are only available through gumroad. Here is a F.A.Q.: sta.sh/01iqveboj5ft I hope that will answer your questions, the Patreon system can be confusing ;)


Your peachy comment and message really made my day, you're the best, Ashley ♥ Your story was sooo amazing to read and very very inspiring ♥♥♥ I want to read it 3 times more now and then tell you again how awesome you are :D


I will do everything as you say Dandon :D