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Lovely, it seems quite complicated also

Rhaena Arashi

Whoa damn! That's a beautiful fox lady! Amazing job, Dandon.


Weee my favourite champion nice work!! only needs a christmas hat to be more lovely xD P.D: Amazing job with that tails looks realy nice.


Really awesome, just the right piece to finish the year!!!


Super cute! You always surprise me with your skill


I like that she don't look just cute but like a real woman ^^ Is there a version with pants too?


<a href="http://gph.is/2cYDfwS" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://gph.is/2cYDfwS</a>


That's a foxy lady....I'm not sorry for that

Christopher Edwards

She looks absolutely stunning, Dandon! I really love the detail on her. Schön! <a href="http://31.media.tumblr.com/63ae33ad84368a381d094b755c939dcb/tumblr_nd7vl4IxZ71snltj3o1_500.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://31.media.tumblr.com/63ae33ad84368a381d094b755c939dcb/tumblr_nd7vl4IxZ71snltj3o1_500.gif</a>


Wow this is beautiful.

Ciarán M

Okay, so I opened this on my tablet and before making it full-screen, all I saw was the head and shoulders and thought "oh, this is beautiful", so naturally I made it full-screen immediately and then my reaction became "WHOA!!!"... 😲 In other words, Dandon, "PHWOOAARR!!! 😻😍💜" You've done an incredible job on this, the level of detail in both the hair on her head as well as the fur of her tail is breathtaking, I adore her long braid too and the edge-lights that run along it. Her pose is so delightfully sexy too, so coy as she plays with her hair (great job on the fingers 😄) with an innocent expression as her hidden hand sneakily slides her tiny panties over her remarkable hips and thighs, her stomach too is just... 😍 the entirety of her anatomy is beautifully rendered with their forms perfectly defined by the shadows and lights/edge-lights, I adore her face too, gorgeous with wonderfully striking eyes. Her clothes too are very well done, I love the colours and various little details, particularly the swinging object dangling just beneath her breasts. I could go on for ages but I'll stop myself here and just say, utterly stellar work, Dandon 💜💜💜💜💜, I can't wait to see the full image and variants.


Always nice to see new Ahri artwork, especially in a style like yours, Dandon. Just what I wanted to find at the top of my Patreon dash. Naturally, Ahri would have a hard time keeping her panties pulled very high with that amount of tail. That's why she usually just skips the panties under her skirt.


Excellent job. The tails make for a very interesting and filling background. I've always liked anthropomorphized characters too... plus the low rise underwear and dark hair... Hits all my weaknesses. This one is perfect in every way. I am curious about the anatomy in the back, how does one have bones for 7 tails? ;o Also her tails are so hairy, and she's so hairless... that must be alot of waxing! =O Since you like gaming characters so much, are you ever planning on doing some Mass Effect Ladies? Especially since the next game is coming up. Liara would have great skin texture to make, and Miranda has the great hexagon textured outfit; both good choices. I also though of you as I was reading Alan Moore's Jerusalem yesterday. He was describing some Salamander elemental spirits that were setting fire to an English town. They were 2 girls 19/15 in a black and white world. Nude, dancing about leaving fire in their wake. Their hair was long fire, and their pubis hair too. It was great imagery. You could knock that out of the park.


Her expression,her posture... I am drooling.


Jeeeesus Christ, I love it!

Ashley Mason

!!! 💜 <a href="http://i.imgur.com/rBsjhhb.gifv" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/rBsjhhb.gifv</a>


She's beautiful and incredible


Absolutely beautiful.




God, she's hot.


Oooh, this is a really interesting take on Ahri. Like with Felicia, furry characters aren't really my style, but wooow you really nailed this one. I love those near glowing, almost feline eyes! And those shadows, you can tell almost that her tails? are obscuring the light Oh so slightly. (I dunno what they are, don't play League) Speaking of tails, that hair texture is absolutely awesome, both on the tails and on her head. Love that little tufty touch. I also love her outfit, (what's there of it :P) That little glowing gem makes it very festive. Unless it's not a holiday outfit, but as always wonderful job Dandon. Definitely belongs in a museum ;).


She's looking....foxy. Was that joke just too lame for anyone else to touch? :) But seriously, she's looking amazing, and it's a good note to finish the year on. I think this is the single best investment I've made on Patreon, and there's still a lot to look forward to (Revy!). Keep up the wonderful work.


She's getting into trouble


Ninja crouched on a tree limb outside of the Ionian temple. Snowflakes danced downwards to join their fallen comrades already heavily covering the grounds below. Before him, lounging on their side on cushioned furniture of the temple gardens was his target. To his frustration, his client had only mentioned it was a nine-tailed fox demon. No mention that it was a woman! A goddess of beauty, no less. This went against his rule that all clients of his clan should know. Ahri was a pale skinned vixen with fox ears atop her head and long black hair that lay on her curvaceous side in a single braid. Her golden eyes looked up the falling snowflakes with wonder. Pursed sensual lips aching to be kissed sipped at a small cup of hot tea to warm her body in the chill air. Her body was as marvelous as her stunning countenance. Large breasts heaved, barely contained in the red and white dress that left little to the imagination and her long, tantalizing legs bare. Ninja couldn't do this. He refused to harm women, not because he thought they were weak. His clan raised their members to honor women and treat them with utmost respect. Ninja would simply have to leave in failure this night. “Come try your luck, if you think you’re in my league,” a sultry feminine voice spoke with a playful giggle. Ninja snapped out of his thoughts, cursing as a large ball of blue fire was flying right at him. He ducked it narrowly in time, grasping the thick branch as he nearly lost his balance. A large roar brought his heart into his throat as the ball of fox fire was coming right back at him. He jumped to another branch as it tore through the one her had been standing on. Looking down at the ground, he couldn’t see Ahri anywhere. “Not bad reflexes, little ninja boy. So should I make your pulse rise or... stop?” her voice chuckled behind him. Crap! He whipped around to see her leaning against the tree trunk with a coy grin upon her lips. This quickly and so high? How did she? “I should spare you so as to introduce you to Akali. That sexy kunoichi definitely needs a man of similar tastes in her life and Shen is too obsessed with other things to be with her. Or… should I keep you for myself to play with,” Ahri quipped with a delighted laugh as she spun around, three smaller orbs of fox fire bursting into existence from thin air before flying out toward him. Wide-eyed with horror, Ninja ducked, arched, and hopped as best he could to avoid them as they flew past. Avoiding all except the last, which brushed his head and set the cloth of his mask aflame. “Gah!” Ninja cried out, tearing off the mask and hurling it to the ground before his hair caught fire too. He looked up and froze as he stared directly into Ahri’s eyes, her full breasts pressed into his chest. Their air became filled with a pink magical mist with pleasant fragrance that suddenly aroused him for the beauty in front of him. “There we go,” she chuckled with a small wink. “Now I can get a good look at you and decide for certain. You certainly are cute. I like your eyes the most. They tell me you don’t wish to harm me after all.” Her fingertips danced their way down his chest toward his inner thigh, making him swallow in fear. She gave his lips a brief yet mind-numbing kiss. “No worries love,” she whispered softly, “I’m not going to take your life essence away from you.” Ninja nearly sighed with relief at hearing that and began to relax a bit before tensing once again as she leaned further into his body, her warm, steamy breath tickling his ear. “Let’s go have some fun that’ll warm us both up, lover boy,” she whispered huskily, licking his ear to make clear her sexual intent. “How about we make it even more exciting? I overhead a certain kitty-kat that likes spears mention it was mating season. Let us go show Nidalee this mighty spear I feel and give her a proper season’s greetings to bring in the new year?” With that purringly sensual offer, how could he say no? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry for the lengthy story/comment all but I just had to! I love this! Thank you so much Dandon! Ahri is the fascinating character that lured me into LoL and definitely one of my favorite mages to main. You nailed her seductively playful nature with a bombastic body that blows my mind. Even the finest details such as her whisker lines are there, showing how you took great care to be true to your subject. I absolutely love it and it will always be one of my favorites. So much so I had to write the short story above because of your inspiring me. My mind can barely comprehend the other LoL beauties waiting for your talented gift to bring them to life beautifully! Bravo! ^3^

Ashley Mason

Oh, she is glorious! 💙 To see her is lip biting. My eyes rising from those stocking squeezing high on her thighs to her knickers pulled down from over her curveous hips. A slender waist and fine abs leading to her ever-so noticable breasts. A breath away from her top unraveling to reveal her beautiful form in all its glory, only her nipples saving it from slipping. The idea that she teases that is ever-so enticing, and with a quick flick of her fingers her top to unravel revealing her body wholly. But she won't. Not yet. Golden-amber eyes keep me fixated as she coyly plays with her lush hair knowing what'll come next, enjoying the game played. A cute, winning smile. Tails twirling in elation. And one cannot help but to be distracted by her sexy, sexy furry tails. So fluffy and as beautiful as her figure to ogle. I imagine each a life to their own, swaying and twirling as its own command. The curling furs breaking away from the mass, each wanting its own statement to make. I can feel that volume and fullness, to fall into them as a heavenly cushion- (but none more heavenly than those she keeps concealed infront :3 ). To let those tails wrap around me caressing gently at my body, and amidst them her hands reach out and her lips lay loving kisses on me. The game is far from over. The detail and attention you've given to her magnificent and iconic nine-tails is something to ogle, no less than her fine figure- her teasing pose, knickers pulled half way down and top to slip away, playing with her dark hair is sooo tasty. Fox o'nine-tails, a new tantalizing tease- perfect. :3

Eddie Murphy

Oh, wow. You draw a lovely Ahri! Great craic.




Magnificent artwork, Dandon!:)




Wow, great work Dandon :D that little gem on her top looks gorgeous. Hope to see more League ladies! Do you think you'll do Fiora or Katarina at any point?


Amaaaaaaaaaaaaazing work Dandon! Wonderful Ahri curves right there :) Love the detail in the costume and the tails! :D


I would say ... Wooof Wooof :D Happy New Year


Thanks Eddie! I must admit that I´ve never heard the word "craic" before haha, seems to be an irish word for somethin like fun? At least thats what the internet tells me lol (⌒_⌒;)


Haha thanks for your comment Paul, I really appreciate it. I can tell you that Revy will be in one of the two Januar batches! Do you recommend Black Lagoon? Revy seems to be a tough badass!


Ohh didn´t expect to see a second comment :D Glad you like her, thank you!


Haha never thought about that, good thing I don´t play LoL anymore, would be odd to know that fighting her LOL thanks for your comment Slevin! :)


Haha thought about that hat, but it´s bit too late for that now :D thanks, I´m happy that you like her tails, took quite a while to get them done!


Yeah, her tails took a while to finish them! Thanks Walter (⌒‿⌒)


Thank you! Yes! Next LoL lady will be Nidalee (second place of the latest poll), after that I want to do more LoL related stuff :)


Naaaaawww, thank you so much, it's always a real pleasure to read your comments ♥! Getting such a great "PHWOOAARR!!" is great to start the new year!! :D Thank you, thank you ♥ I wish you all the best for 2017 💜💜💜


Haha, those questions are worth asking XD Thanks a lot, I'm glad that you like how the picture turned out :) I never played Mass Effect (don't blame me, I'm aware of it that this game series is amazing T_T) I'll remember Liara and Miranda for the next polls :) Those spirit girls sounds pretty interesting, makes me want to read that book too :O


Wow, thank you so much! I was looking forward to draw her :3 I've never painted so much hair in a single picture before haha :D Next lady will be no cat girl ;)


Omg, you wrote a lovely fanfiction, that's so cool :D I loved it, thanks a lot for sharing! The end with Nidalee was the best part! XD Thank you, you super creative cutey Ninja :D <a href="http://cdn.smosh.com/sites/default/files/2015/11/itnernet-hugs-anime-japan2.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://cdn.smosh.com/sites/default/files/2015/11/itnernet-hugs-anime-japan2.gif</a>


Wowowowow!!!!))) Good work))))


Could you do an Arkham asylum Harley &amp; poison ivy?


Carnival in Rio.. here I am... so naughty. I would really lay down on this tail and cuddle