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Yo! :)

All November batches have been sent out! Yay *_* November was a single batch month.

Hope you like the artworks. Thanks so much ♥ Queen Marika is part of the December artworks and suggestions are always welcome :)


(It might take a few minutes before the messages arrive, please check your Email account, because Emails often arrive faster than Patreon messages O_O°)

If you haven't received the artworks, please check your Email account or drop a comment or write me a message :)

(To unzip the files please use a freeware software like 7Zip or Winrar. Please make sure to use the CURRENT version.

Thanks for the great support!

Stay healthy and have fun ♥




Extinct Gats

Just curious, if I subbed a day later, will I get them or have to wait for a batch? It honestly doesn't bother me, just curious is all. Good work all the same! :D


Character Suggestions: Homura from Edens Zero, Ranko or Zoya from Akiba Maid War, Kirio Hikifune from Bleach TYBW

Ferc Polo

Elhaym van Houten from Xenogears doesn't get enough love. Just in case you're looking for suggestions...


Hi Dandon, I hope you're staying fun and healthy. Suggestion: She's a little old school but Carmen Sandiego.


Mila from Dead or Alive!


Holy shit, the quality of Lucy is insane in so many ways, first off all the aguments looks pretty epic the shading on her hair an latex suit, her thighs and of course the variations. Dandon you outdid yourself her, holy moly. From your newer arts i would say this is your best now imo :) <3 Hope to see that quality on another art to, i think you know the one i mean ;P


🤞 Miranda Lawson Mass Effect 2/3 🤞


Zatanna with the magic mushroom 😍😍😍😍😍, her best magic trick I would say.


Haven't gotten any msg? Will check email now lol.


i didn't get it! Very odd.


Subbed over 24 hrs ago and I still haven't got a message. Can you please sned?


Is it still possible to get as new sub?