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 Mreow :3

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Amazing!! 👏🏻👏🏻


Meow! 😻

Eva Solo

Nice body shade! Like it!)

Al Truist

Wow, nice and congratulations on breaking a new milestone!

Ciarán M

I feel like this image needs to be prefaced by a clip of Illidan screaming "You are not prepared!" because goodness gracious!!!... I was not prepared 😻😂. This is absolutely incredible, Dandon, like, I can't even... Where to begin?! The hair is just spectacular, so detailed and intricate and beautifully rendered. Her face is gorgeous and I adore those bright blue eyes and little strands of hair that fall in front of her. Then there's her body... I don't even, her pose is brilliant with the opposing twisting of her chest and hips, breasts wrapping over the forms, the sensual contours of her waist and hips with those amazing crossing thighs, the combination of the perfect shading, lighting and white body-paint defining and accentuating her alluring forms 😻💜😻💜😻(Her stomach though, phwooaarr). In regards to the lighting in particular, I really like the purple-ish edge lights running down her right side and the shadows around her thighs and calf are brilliant. Absolutely amazing work, Dandon 💜💙💜💙💜, I do believe that this is among your very best and I beg you, please, pretty please do wallpapers for this one.


WHOA! This is absolutely wonderful, Dandon :D (Of course, now you've drawn Felicia, I'm super curious to see how you'd draw Morrigan now... in that nurse outfit of hers :P) I really love the figure you've given her, considering how good your last piece was it's a big achievement that this is even better! Great work on the lighting and the colours (and that hair). Oh, and congrats on reaching the next milestone! (I'm super looking forward to those... lewd hentai-ish pieces :P)


The way you drew her reminds me of a dakimakura.

Christopher Edwards

Absolutely gorgeous Dandon! I think it really fits her. <3

Vulgar Maestro

BAD KITTY! Move that leg so that we can see your..."pussy." Hahaha, you see what I did there!? Because she's a cat and...you know what? Nevermind, I'll go ahead and file that. Absolutely lovely final piece my dear. I enjoy how instead of focusing on her more buxom features you actually went and toned her up a little more, made her more feline-esque, as it were, as far as body type. Very sexy indeed ;).


The shading is exquisite on the body, can almost see texture. Can't wait to see full res. Very nice composition. Takes up the full plane, and you included a background. Feels very active. One of your more well rounded pieces. On the constructive side, I think the face feels a little flat somehow. Good job!


Can I touch, Dandon-chan? With my bare hands? Pretty please!? <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cZgjOBeP9Q" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3cZgjOBeP9Q</a> Oh! How would I love to fondle those cupcakes! Kitty kitty! Nekomimi! Meow! Wowzo! Mombo! Sombo! Wombo! Fooling around all night! Doing it! Pully noodly drooly, FOOLY COOLY!!!! :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 In all seriousness, she's beautiful and definitely one of my favorite works so far. The light shading is fantastic in further highlighting those luscious curves. And that inviting look to come closer, oh my!!! I am so ready for Capcom to get their collective butts in gear and finally bring Darkstalkers back in full fighting glory (and Mega Man too, of course!). Definitely will be one of the wallpapers to join the rotation on my background with Erza and the others! /)(^3^)(\




She looks magnificent! Congratulations on reaching your goal!


Finally picked up Marvel vs Capcom 3: FoTW the other day, and somehow this makes it better. XD


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JScF5xBOsEk" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JScF5xBOsEk</a>


That's one beautiful pussy...cat, ahem, sorry...in all seriousness, this is a wonderful image Dandon!!


Love this!

Ashley Mason

Your skills are becoming something else- incredibly so. I fear my vocabulary will falter and wilt as your talent strengthens and grows, leaving me gob smacked in awe every time and bereft of words to serve your art any sort of justice. XD Felicia is that incredible sexy pussy-cat, playing up her adorable, kitty cute so well. Laying on a white silken bed, her voluminous blue mane her pillow beneath, she paws coyly as a 'mreow' whispers from her lips. Curls of hair pop from her cutest cat-eared hood- a strategic cuteness on her part, and she knows it. As feline as she is, she nestles cozy on her back. Her lithe body twisting and stretching to find that purrfect, comfy spot to rest. A hypnotic glance of her azure eyes catch me staring, coquettishly shifting her leg over as to cover from my sneaky gaze, yet giving me a cheeky view of her shapely hips and behind. Those hips are all the more inciting than she knows, leaving my heart to burst within my chest. I imagine wrapping my arms behind her lower back, lifting those luscious hips closer to mine-- oh-- What little there is of her outfit clings to her body like paint, following the contours of her figure to leave nothing to the imagination. With a body so agile and an appetite so instinctual, claw bared in the name of pleasure, and a long slender tail... who know what fun it'll be. To peel those layers of her outfit away slowly, and to see what fun our imagination can conjure up. The shading and definition of her body is divine, and her skin a creamy, silky tone begging to be pawed. And all highlighted by such amazing lighting you deliver to every part of her. Its as I said with Marceline, and feel it even more here- everything works so brilliantly together, and looks so uncannily real. I do honestly marvel at it all. There is also something more to her skin- it feels all the richer in a depth of colours. A silky cream with deeper warmer tones working nicely with a shade cooler too, and a soft texture to feel. It is gorgeous, and all nicely balanced and framed with her vibrant blue mane and the white of her outfit with soft hints of steely purple, and the touch of pink to relieve it all. And such phenomenal work on her gloved hand, the fur trailing down her forearm. She is all pussy-cat- not just in her looks, but her mannerism and feel. That is what I love- the details that build her as Felicia through and through. Not just an amazing artwork of her, but the heart of her too. Those hips!! O_O


Looks amazing!

Didi Esmeralda

Amazing work Dandon :3 as always we marvel at your great art!💗


Wow Dandon surely you put out for this one GREAT JOB!!!


She looks amazing. Hopefully we can see Ms. Marvel soon 😍


Wooo, thank you, thank you!!!! Are you already excited about the OW holiday skins? O_O Can't wait to see them!! <a href="http://cdn.smosh.com/sites/default/files/ftpuploads/bloguploads/0413/epic-hugs-friends-minion.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://cdn.smosh.com/sites/default/files/ftpuploads/bloguploads/0413/epic-hugs-friends-minion.gif</a>


Thank you so much, Anty!! Morrigan has some very nice alternate outfits, though my favorite is still her original look (bat tights! ♥) :3


<a href="https://68.media.tumblr.com/a6eae5b979cf3d98dcf9a63965fbd6d2/tumblr_myyyo9mBan1s5zciuo1_500.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://68.media.tumblr.com/a6eae5b979cf3d98dcf9a63965fbd6d2/tumblr_myyyo9mBan1s5zciuo1_500.gif</a>


Your comments!! ♥♥♥ O_O You're the peachiest king of all peaches XD

Ghost Digital

what kind of graphics tablet do you use?


👍👍👍 Good luck!!! 💓💓💓💓💓




Woman with a tail, i love it :D


Much meow, sexy wow !