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 "I eat shades of red. " :3


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Damn those curves!!


She's gorgeous!!! Her hair is amazing! 😍😍😍💞💞 I hope you have an incredible week! 😄


Beautiful! 😍


Hope she is ready to eat some white


My god, the eyes! *faint*


This is... Marcy, from Adventure Time? Okay, I don't watch the show, but I do kind of know the character. This is not what I was expecting. Holy crap.

Ciarán M

Oh snap, I said that this would likely end up being among my favourites when I saw the WIP and wouldn't you know, I was right 😂. Where to begin? The lighting/rendering here is fantastic, the level of detail in her hair is incredible and it being black makes the edge-lights that I love so much all the more distinct. Her body too is so well done, I adore how well defined her anatomy is, her arms and shoulders, clavicles, ribs, stomach and thighs are all just amazing and as with the hair, I love the edge-lighting. Her face is gorgeous too with those piercing red eyes, her sultry gaze and smile and the strands of hair that fall in front of her 😍. I like her clothes too with the detailed folds of her top, the shadow that it casts across her chest is a great detail and her bra is very nicely done with the stretch in the centre and texture to the fabric, the textures across all of her are wonderful. And I really like that there's a background too and would you look at that, the wall is purple 😁💜, you know that makes me happy. Oh and since we're seeing the full pose now, the curving motions through her body, the contours of her body and her hair flowing in the opposite direction to her pose all look fantastic. Amazing work, Dandon 💜💜💜💜💜, this is sensational, please tell me that you'll do wallpapers for her.


It would be obscene and frankly quite mean to not hug your screen about this scene of Marceline the Vampire Queen who looks so lean like a figurine.


Great illustrations, what characters are you planning next?


Absolutely amazing!


Beautifully done.


*Whew* That was a lot harder than I thought it would be! Hope I at least gave you a chuckle :) It looks great Dandon, her hair and eyes are awesome. Can't wait for more work from you. Hope you're feeling tons better and if not, I can arrange for some currywurst soup to be sent your way. (It's actually just currywurst in tomato soup)

Christopher Edwards

Dang! This is beautiful! I would watch the show if the animation was of this high quality.


Marceline the Vampire Queen who can musically rock your soul away with her sweet voice and bodacious body! I know she only eats red and not necessarily blood, but she certainly has a red geyser escaping from me. The allure of her stripping leaves me without breath as well. Please have mercy on my heart Dandon! XD Another fantastic work that leaves me eager to see more as you keep getting better and better. ^3^


Awesomeness 😆


Wow. She's how I want to go. :) Whether she drains me or turns me.


<a href="http://giphy.com/gifs/happy-gif-party-im-ready-to-qq7loULu8RCDu" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://giphy.com/gifs/happy-gif-party-im-ready-to-qq7loULu8RCDu</a>

jo holloway

that hypnotic gaze, flowing mane and stunning body.... this is just too good!


ABS ABS ABS ABS ABS ABS ABS ABS ABS Goodness Dandon, those abs... amazing work! :D


This is amazing work! I very like this AT's character:) It's like a gift for me, Dandon, thank you!:)


Definitely yes :D Dandon you naughty, naughty artist. Great work !

Ashley Mason

Ever since Marceline won herself a place among those greats to be painted, I had wondered how she'd look as painted by your talented hand. I had pondered long, and nothing in my vivid imagination came close to the amazing Marceline you have painted here. It is most stunning to see how wonderfully you brought her cartoony look - her beady black eyes and noseless self- into the realms of your art. You captured the essence of her character flawlessly, and married her so perfectly with you art, creating something of far more enticing and jaw-dropping than one could have imagined. She has that 'je ne sais quoi' that is just perfectly her. I am enthralled, thoroughly. She is beautiful. &lt;3

Ashley Mason

The mesmering image of Marceline's lithe figure and gorgeous skin is bared as she lifts her striped shirt up and pulls it over her head. Her long and luscious hair falls freely from her shirt, almost alive as it cascades down in a dancing motion. Yet, a silky lock, tucked so neatly behind her slender, pointed ear dared not to disobey and remained in it's place as so commanded, unwilling to fall. Marceline did not concern herself with her hair and its obedience. There was a ravenous appetite within her peircing red gaze- an appetite a colour could not satisfy alone. She lusted for something more carnal. As she gazed upon the one of her fancy- a gal of a particularly pretty shade of bubble-gum pink- a devilish smile of sinful fantasies grew on her face. Yet despite herself, and wearing naught but her matching bra and knickers now, ones so befitting, she blushed. The softest shade of pink began to glow high on her cheeks, blending to a cooler purple with her beauitful hue of blue. Her tender side shy for the one she's loved dearly for so many centuries, and the gaze she mirrored back to her in turn. 'Why bother with going to the movies...,' Marceline said, pausing briefly to let thoughts dare to wonder. PB could hear her words singing to her heart, and a quiet excitement rising in anticipation of what Marcy were to say next. Her body tingled as if she already knew those words to be uttered. And as Marcy dropped her shirt to the carpet, hands hooking under her bra to be free on their confines, she whispers '...when we can make our own.' *_*




<a href="http://i.imgur.com/iEkWHHc.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/iEkWHHc.gif</a>


Woooow, thank you so much, Ciaran!! I'll definitely do wallpapers for her if you ask for it! :D 💜💜💜


There are some characters left from my last two polls, so I'll go for those ladies in December :)


<a href="http://i.imgur.com/juJr9Vl.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/juJr9Vl.gif</a>


great shading :)


O my god, it's VERY VERY NICE WORK :&gt; Need much Marceline pls :D


This is one of your pieces that I always find myself coming back to. Love it !