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She's beautiful!! 😍😍💕💕 You did an amazing job!!! Those legs! 😉👌👌👌


Aaaah! My heart....flatline



Rhaena Arashi

Ye gods! The archaeologist extraordinaire, and she is stunning! I can hear Sanji's nose erupting in the background. Amazing work, Dandon! Awesome!


Yeeeesss, she's perfect, those eyes dayum, just like the figure i will buy :D. Thanks Dandon she's very nice. My next phone wallpaper.


OMG, she looks awesome! Those boobs... stop exploiting my weakness Dandon... just joking, keep exploiting it :D Wonderful work, it's really amazing that your art gets better every time I see it. I particularly like the shading on her clothing in this piece :)


NO WAY!! I never expected a Nico Robin artwork be so amazing. Special mention to the hair and the face, so sexy.


Oh this one's gonna be good, I can't wait for this next one :P


Wooow, i really love how you made her hair so natural looking with the way it curls around. Otherwise, i guess we can see why Robin is a Wanted lady. ;)


No extra arms? But besides that loving everything I see here.

Ciarán M

From the line-art tease you released before, I figured that this would be all about the boobs, but no, no it is instead all about those legs! Phwooaarr! :D Seriously, I absolutely love this one, those blue eyes and red lips, the way the strand of her dark hair wraps around her fingers as she pulls at her jumper with the fingers of her other hand, breasts about to erupt forth with her simply incredible stomach emerging from beneath, leading down to those magnificent legs! The texture on her jumper is terrific and the lighting is simply fantastic, her hand, stomach, thighs and knee in particular are detailed perfectly by the shadows and edge-lighting, I think it might be some of the best you've ever done :D. Absolutely beautiful, sexy work Dandon! I even forget to mention how perfect her hair looks as well as those sunglasses with their reflected lenses XD.

Sergio Barajas

You never cease to amaze :O <3


Yes!! I knew it! It was from Once Piece😁 Also.... 🤔hmm... and there is something about the details in her lower half that is really impressive... in more ways than one😁. I just love the way you draw eyes 👀 soo attractive😍 Your skill Lv. Is increasing drastically fast!!! Your becoming too OP 👍😁 the nose bleeds will become uncontrollable 😁 Great job👏👏👏


Fuga, you are one of the most consistent providers of your genre in both quality and content provided; Keep this up and I might just have to follow your works for life!


Ooh, she looks amazing... Bravo, Dandon!:)




Oh lords of gravity have mercy, this month's not gonna end well!

jo holloway

Personally I can't stand one piece at all, I've found a web comic and an abridged series that I like but the actual series is the actual worst to me. This on the other hand is great! You've done something the actual creator can't in my opinion, make her look good. She is "summer afternoon" hot!


She looks really amazing. And maybe I'm just nitpicking... But her face doesn't really look like Robin though. Her nose is what defines her and it's not really there.

Ashley Mason

<a href="https://goo.gl/AXi2Ht" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://goo.gl/AXi2Ht</a>

Ashley Mason

And I cannot stop following those legs- those lovely, lovely legs. The softness of those inner thighs. The defining muscles that give it a real feel. That 'icanalmostreachoutandtouch' feel. Beautiful, Dee. Edit- Nico has a very Patron Saint air about her, contemplative in pose. Maybe less Saintly with her thoughts, but she is just our type of Saint- The Patron Saint of Dandon Fuga :P


Amazing job! , her legs are beautiful.


Robin-SWAAAAN!!! My inner Sanji is going berserk with the beauty of this! Everything just capture the elegant beauty that she always exhibits. Sorry Nami, but the only one who can match Robin is Boa Hancock in that department! Oh and SANJI, only paying supporters of the talented goddess of art Dandon have Robin's permission to see her "natural" beauty. So no peeking! You've been warned: <a href="http://giphy.com/gifs/scary-one-piece-nico-robin-1I796El158bni" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://giphy.com/gifs/scary-one-piece-nico-robin-1I796El158bni</a> ^3^


Looking lovely and ...well, bountiful. :)


I think it is a good realistic interpretation. Nami's nose in anime is almost TOO prominent in that box-quality straight to her forehead. If that was done realistically, I am afraid it would look neanderthal like. Although, I can see where Dandon kept faithfully to it by giving her nose a long bridge even though not box like in quality. Either way, still a beautiful piece... wait... ONE PIECE!!! Illuminati confirmed! XD


I paid for the $10 pledge and I don't have access.. Can you assist?


You get it at the end of the month. Either you mean you paid 10$ for last months, in which case you got an email with the link. If you mean this month's things, then you will be billed around Sept 30, and you will receive an email with download links a week later or so.


No idea who she is. Good job on the knee in foreground.


Big supple bewbs are always an awesome surprise to come home to! ^_^


Gosh D..... 😍😍 the level of detail in your work is incredible! Everything from the designs in Elizabeth's lingerie to Mercy having crosses in her pupils. No one comes close.


<a href="http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/074/925/b81.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/001/074/925/b81.jpg</a>


Haha next one will be Batgirl and she has smaller boobs ;) Thank you, Anty! ♥ <a href="http://i.imgur.com/2ePLzCQ.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/2ePLzCQ.gif</a>


Thank you, Ciaran and Max :D You are always so kind T^T <a href="https://media.giphy.com/media/71ZZg019NdEQ0/giphy.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://media.giphy.com/media/71ZZg019NdEQ0/giphy.gif</a>


Thank you so much, Milton!! I'm glad you like how the pic turned out, thanks for your kind words ♥♥♥


Wooooow, thank you so much!! I can only create the stuff because of the great support of the most awesome patrons in the world *__* ♥


Oh thank you so much, I'm glad you like the picture, although you are not a fan of the series :)


You have an inner Sanji? XD I loved Sanjis wanted poster scene: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ycsd3zHf-Js" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ycsd3zHf-Js</a>


Aww you realised the crosses ♥♥ Thank you so much for your comment, James :3

Just Passin By

Hot dang Dandon!! Love that she is either twirling her hair in her fingers or just simply has it wrapped around them. What a beauty. You rock!