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I'm trying to find a good way to draw and color a comic.  :3


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She's magnificent!!!!! This is a nice surprise!! 😄😄😄😄


You're making a comic!? *o* whaaaaaaaaaa!?!?!?!??! I wanna see!!!! And this would be perfect style/color!!!!!


Excellent style

Moira Moon (edited)

Comment edits

2022-02-13 07:15:34 くすぐられる予感だけで火照り始めちゃうのえちえちすぎ…(˘ω˘)
2016-08-14 21:20:20 I need to know more about her!

I need to know more about her!


<a href="http://m.imgur.com/rDmlf?r" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://m.imgur.com/rDmlf?r</a> we all know I approve.


This is the valkyrie from Wagner's Ring Cycle opera, right? The comic going to be about that?


Hmm so with this surprise (she looks magnificent BTW), is it safe to assume the next stream will involve Ivy? Or another yet to be named beauty? And here's hoping for at least one LoL girl for next months batch. Praying for it queen Dandon! Or do you prefer goddess haha 😄😁


I like the lighting!


Oh, is this an original character?

Christopher Edwards

I really like this style of this one. She looks fantastic!


Those hips!


Got meat? X3


What a beauty! I'm not sure who she is...but now I have to find out. :3

Ashley Mason

And then you hit us with this tremendous surprise... and a great way to start the heart in the morning. I wish to reiterate and amend my previous statement: you are not just on fire, but you burn with the brilliance of a billion burning suns. Oooh, the words will flow... this is inspiring. 😍😍


That is a pretty good way. I like the darkness compared to the super brightness of some of your other pieces. Looks like a nice level of balance between full color shading and leaving some flat. I like it. The edge blur I could take or leave. Is this an OG of yours? I'm always a sucker for the painted eye stripe; it's very alluring. Is the meat food or a weapon? =O


Awesome!!! I love originals! Great stuff. And I'm not sure in fully understand what you mean when you say your trying to find a way to draw and color a comic? Looking for software, or helpful techniques? You're extremely gifted as an artist I can't imagine how you'd have trouble with it.


Nice! What's the inspiration for this? Also good luck with the comic!

Ed Ice

She's Beautiful, nice work D.


DAMN! Lookit all that meat! On the drumstick, I mean ;)


That bottom part of the meat is too light isnt it? Shouldn't it he darker because her head is blocking the light source. Sorry if im wrong lol

Ashley Mason

I truly love her design. Truly, truly. It doesn't just speak of who she is with a single glance, it shouts from the snow-capped mountain tops to echo throughout the land! There is no lie. No false pretense of who she is. No airs and graces. She is who she is, and she doesn't make excuses or need to. There is a wildness in her- and not just her outfit, but her pose, her attitude and behind those amber eyes. The lighting from behind casts her in shadow and a sets a tone. Not of menace or evil, but a warning, almost daring. Brazen and audacious, she is not to mess around or mince words. A challenge thrown down, one she'll meet with the vigor and fight of a bull. Her eyes aglow with a beauty and a fire that burns in her heart. I can imagine the unbridled fury in which she fights, but also an intense passion of her love. And both are something one can only dream to witness. Hehe XD A character so wonderfully painted. It's all the subtleties that speak of her style and character, and her outfit sells that even more. Such a great design.

Ciarán M

I really, really like this Dandon, the style is great, still with that terrific white rim-light that I love so much, just look at her hair, glorious :D. The character is badass too, love her hairstyle sweeping to one side and with the braid and of course the Cammy style outfit appeals to me greatly ;), especially with that hip thrust and those wonderful thighs, phwooaarr! I really like her cape too with the fluffy collar and chain and the way it folds and drapes over her arm. Fantastic work as usual :D.


She looks dangerously gorgeous, giving her name I'd expected her to look different (think Wagner and opera). Can't wait to see her in a battle-torn dress. Beautiful creation and stunning art as always! Sehr gut!


Thank you, Stompi! I would love to draw a comic! :3 Atm I'm trying to come up with a story and character design :)


Good old Wagner :) Nah, the name just popped up in my mind while I was drawing her. Brunhilde is always a good name for brutal and confident ladies :D


Thanks, James! I'm recording the process of painting Ivy for my Golden Treasure Chest patrons. Next livestream pic will be Elizabeth :) I'm fine with "Dandon" XD


Thank you, Chris!! I'm trying to figure out a nice style for drawing and coloring a comic. It's about to find a technique that would let me finish one comic page in less than 4 weeks ;) Full rendering would take forever and it's always annoying to wait months or years to get a new chapter of a comic imho :)


Yes, she is an OC. The meat is just food here , but I could also imagine her throwing that boned meat at someone who's making her angry XD


Thanks Ivar! I did some sketches for the main characters, she was one of the character concepts. :)


Dankeschön! :) I like the name Brunhilde, it sounds like it would fit for a crude girl :D


that meat is going to go to her thighs.. among other places.


I don't know where she come from, but i really like her haircut and her eyes. Ok ok i also like her body but it's not my fault if Dandon draw only sexy girls :p


Any preview?


Looks great! I like the hairstyle :D Glad to see more OCs from you Dandon, it's interesting to see the designs you come up with :)

Scott milich

Looks strangely like the power girl uniform.


Is pretty cool. Looks like an ideal character for a Mad Max film. Did you watched Mad Max?