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I know I'm awesone =D


Dandon shes amazing!!! ^.^ can't wait to see what's next!


She's really beautiful!!! The stream was fun! I'm glad you that gift btw. :) 😊😊😊


So beautiful!!!


Lovely stuff Dandon! Enjoyed the stream, hopefully the next one is soon :)


goodness gracious yes! i absolutely adore her expression!


OH this is gorgeous, and it's like a semblance of when she has a moment of clarity, endearing emotion. Maybe when she lovingly tones down the mischief meter

Eddie Murphy

I really like this! It's nice to see some smaller-breasted characters get some attention/love! Hope to see more in the future!


Whoaaa, it was super fun to watch you draw this moustaches and all! You know while you're drawing blue haired girls, Lucina's really fun to draw ;)


Her face is perfect!


Also she is one of my faves. She is sexy

Ashley Mason

Her eyes call to me- I am mesmerised. Like a hypnotic trance, caught in her gaze and I am a willing slave to fulfill her every wish. A tease, I know. That devilishly smile hides many tasty treats to be had. The braids that bind me. Her tongue that lashes me. Her body that seduces me. Teeth that bite. Nails that claw. And her figure slender, arching back to emphasis her feeling of enticement and want. Her breasts more than I could ever need. Even more scrumptious for their size- just gorgeous. She is the car crash of my love, careening out for control- so wrong for me, but too good to give her up. My heart and body not my own, left to her whim, her very will. Her own desires driving me forward. And I am not to complain or struggle. A bliss in knowing I am only along for a beautiful ride. The heart pounding thrill of it all. Only the now is important, and her hypnotic eyes lie to me, keeping me close. Those eyes... I could stare into forever. Be forever more.. and nothing more could be better. (And those clouds- masterful. ^^ )

Ashley Mason

Cheers for the awesome stream. Glad I could make it! A beauty coming to life is always a pleasure to watch. :D

Ciarán M

She looks amazing, that expression is perfect and i love her hair and those braids, her pose and figure are just... phwooaarr! I think I'm in love with her stomach XD And i love the necklace and how it falls down to her side and the edge-lighting is fantastic as usual :D. That NSFW preview is pretty nice too ;). This one will make a great wallpaper and now you've gotten me to want to play LoL and use her, it wasn't enough that you got me to buy Overwatch it seems XD (Reaper for life!!!)


I need to figure out how to get the rewards. This pic is amazing.

Ashley Mason

Couldn't agree more. To me, her smaller breasts are just so scrumptious and... yum.


Whao!!!!!!! tons of work since your last stream :-) I really like the color of the hair


Hello Ignis, here is a F.A.Q: <a href="http://sta.sh/01iqveboj5ft" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://sta.sh/01iqveboj5ft</a> Thanks a lot for joining :)