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She looks beautiful!!! I love her outfit!!! Good afternoon for you!! 😍😍😍😍


Her hair is amazing too!! And the coloring!! 😊😊

Christopher Edwards

Wow! She looks amazing! I love the hair detail, her face, and of course the muscle definition! Great job as always!

Ciarán M

Wowsers! Now that is one fine piece of artwork XD She looks fantastic, the long golden hair, those badass purple eyes, oh my goodness that stomach :D, her casual, sexy pose. The lighting looks brilliant as well, love the way it hits the tops of her breasts and sides of her stomach and thighs (and what thighs they are, phwooaarr). Brilliant start to July :D


Whoa! That was not the pose I was expecting with the preview!!! I love the way that you still keep her proportional despite the varying perspectives of the pose!!


Those eyes, those lips, this pose, what else ? She's awesome, great work again.


Wow once again you surprise me with something i wasnt expexting! This looks great and amazing!! this NSFW version is gonna be great!! I can't wait to see it and find out if there will be PH version haha :P

Ted Brown

Wow. I love her hair. A great image of Yang, she's so sexy an confident. Those abs! ;-)


Nice! Cant wait for this one!


Wow that lighting :O And those eyes... those are some mesmerising eyes... and awesome hair! Great work as always Dandon :)


Really good and so full of character in the pose and expression.


This is an amazing piece of art. Will you be doing more RWBY characters?


O////////O now we just need Blake and we have bumblebee


Unbelievable! I love the pose; just showin' off the goods. :3

Ashley Mason

Such a strong and commanding presence, one I cannot help but to feel emanate from her. And the pose and view is just as expected to see of such- casually seated upon her couch, almost blasè to my presence as she teases her body, and me kneeling before her, worshipping her very sexy being like a goddess. It's a feeling within that tantalizes. A potential promise of more than a view to see, but a pleasure to taste, waiting upon a single word to beckon me forth. An excitement, wondering where she will lead me. You really have a knack at bringing out wonders and this excitement in your women you paint. Always sexy, but never just the same. A character more than that can be seen at first sight- an underlying nature that is their own, adding it's own sexiness to each beyond their gorgeous figure. One that really does pique the senses. I keep telling myself to calm my writing- tone it down, keep it short and sweet, but your art is just so compelling to me. And as with Yang I feel commanded to continue- to thoroughly enjoy her and let the love flow freely. Even at 2 o'clock in the morn I am entranced by her (yes, I awoke to this in my inbox and could not help to open it and write most of this.) Her image behind my closed eyes demands my attention and these words come forth, needing to be written. And my dreamy mind has already begun to undress her, and she is a glorious vision to behold. The month will be long, ever-so long before I may see what I've imagined. But I shall hold these pleasant thoughts and keep on dreaming of where she would lead me. Where my heart will take me. What pleasures she would offer and command of me. Like ambrosia, a food of the gods, I will relish in her tastes. My lips on her thighs, succulent sweetness- my wandering fingers caressing her firm abs, gracefully drifting downwards. A long month... sigh.


Your artwork really is quite phenomenal. Very unique, and always outstanding. Of course, the Rewards content quality is incredible, but even in these smaller images, you really pull off great stuff. Keep it up, you're genuinely something special.

Eddie Murphy

Bloody hell. You did her justice! Wonderful and sexy portrayal of her. You managed to capture her confidence and toughness while still being beautiful and feminine. Very nicely done. And you were totally able to pull off her hair! I'm glad you drew her, and I hope you enjoyed it! Have you given the show a watch?


Awesome work!


Aaaahhh!! So good!! I love RWBY and your depiction of Yang is perfect!! Definitely can't wait to see the NSFW version of this, as well as hopefully other RWBY characters in the future!

Ohji Lunartail

this is just perfect, and the pose totally screams Yang '3'


Wooooo, thanks so much, Ciaran!! It's so warm here, how is the weather with you? :O


Thanks a million, Ashley ヽ( ⌒ω⌒)人(=^‥^= )ノ I'm always happy about long months ( ̄ω ̄;)


I'm still watching the first season :3 Thank you for your kind words :)


hi Dando. How I can download content if I have already given to the pink treasure chest ? sorry for de english i´m speak spanish


::brain exploding noises::


Became pledger after just now seeing this... Is there any way to get this now?


Without a doubt my favorite character from RWBY. So glad you drew her!!

Scott milich

Wana see the preview!


I saw this picture and instantly became your patron. I love it, and wish to know if I can now get the nsfw version even though I started following after this post was made?


Preview!!! 😭😭😭


Hey, you've pledged for the batch where this one is included, you'll get the rewards in a few days :) Thank you!


Reward time!

Taylored Printers

WELP! This is so going to be a scene for an upcoming story I have now.