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This is Chumi, a cousin of Lumi and Rumi. She decides who belongs on the naughty list XD

I'll create an artwork of Chumi for Christmas. I made 4 color schemes, please help me to decide her color scheme, multiple choices are allowed, if you like more than one ♥

Thank you :3


Ciarán M

Well hello, Chumi! 😻😻😻😻😻 She looks incredibly sexy, I love her stance, she looks very elegant with those long, flowing legs. Love her curves too with her hip rounded out as she pushes it to the side. The combination of her long legs, leaning body and the twisting with her face and body turned in opposing directions, with her head, shoulders and hips at different angles all make her look very dynamic too. Love the oufit choice as well, the bra is a wonderful tease with the loosely hanging material draped over her breasts (which themselves have a lovely shape and already a natural feeling of weight to them) and I really like the tonal contrast seen in all versions, where her skin pops against the darker bodysuit. As for this vote, I picked option 4 as I like the Dark Elf theme she has going on with those colours though right now it's looking like it'll be a fight between 1 and 3 😹 Regardless of who wins, all 4 options are great and I think we'll all be happy in the end! Suffice to say, I'll be very excited to see the final version! Great work on an incredibly sexy design! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 And I hope that you're doing very well this Christmas season! 💜🎄💜🎄💜🎄💜🎄💜🎄💜🎄


1 and 3 pop. Winter's grey enough; let's be festive!


Really enjoy all 4 but I have a bias for blue so I have to go for that but all of them are amazing

Pervy Sage

Gotta keep the tradition alive and go with number 3! For colors and names XD it’s Always a pleasure to see a new OC of yours every time, you ever consider giving us synopsis of these guys. Still wanna know more about Neema ^_^

Pervy Sage

Man the tension between 1 and 3 are insane, how’s the other isn’t letting up O.o


As I Said before an elve for Christmas and all got good genes 🙈😅 can't wait for the final result 😊🎅

Akashimo Hakubi

1 & 3 both good and at this time both tied, omg.


Gotta keep it basic. The others are nice, but maybe I'm just basic.


Well, #2 Matches the previous two characters' color schemes the best by far (and is my favorite) - with #4 as a close second with a bit of a change, and both of those two fit the overall theme quite well.... and I say that not just because I prefer dark elves (like the last two, which were really great); but - I guess we will see what happens. (Maybe you can do one light and one dark theme for her...?) They all look nice though - the only thing that stands out in any of these is that blue isn't usually/really considered a "Christmas" color, (Red/Green/Gold/White/Black) so it really seems like the odd one out here... but I am sure you could make it work somehow if need be. :)


Personally, I say 3 for the hair and outfit color and 4 for the skin tone. sorry.


Hair of #1 combined with outfit of #3 would imo be the perfect combination.


2 and 3


The family grows big, and the genes are strong :-)


Tough choices. These are pretty nice, but I think I'm leaning towards 1.


3 because it's the one with blue hair... I like blue hair, so that's my reasoning. lmao

Jonathan Loving

I really loved 3, the skin tone and color make her pop!


2. Red & blond look really nice together and it fits Xmas theme more I think. But ehh it has the lowest amount of votes for some reason.

Ashley Mason

My comment was devoured by the bloodied beast that is Patreon. Naughty. Grrrr!!

Ashley Mason

Chumi, the whip master. When being naughty is the nicest treat possible one could ask for Christmas. :3 I still have time to be bad, right? Less recycling for me this week. Hahhaa!! I can see your dilemma- they are all tasty goodness. Yes. Hmmm. Might I suggest total back and white. Yes... Hmm. No. No. That won't do. They all have a particular vibe to them that sings in delight in their own way to such a role as the naught list maker. 1- An elven beauty, traditional and classic vibes. Like the elvish beauty has her own secrets behind closed doors. 2- Devilish wicked, tantalising as a succubus- What naughty delights does she offer. More than coal, I guess. 3- O, this one is deliciously tasty, like creamy vanilla ice cream. A little sweetness with biting spice. :3 4- When the classic turns evermore wicked in delight and fun, combining the best of two themes creating a unique vibe that entices. But saying all that, I am feeling the classic Chumi is no. 1. That hits the sweetest of all spots for me. Can't pass a classic vibe with so much naughty in mind. Although, 4 is really killing it too ;3


Number one, it has a distinct elven/christmas vibe that the other colors don't convey as much.


Honestly they're all beautiful 😆


Oh gosh, yes! Another cousin for Lumi and Rumi! *_* I absolutely adore your Christmas elves so much! (But you already knew all about that xD) I love all the colour variations, but those delicious reds just seem the most appropriate to me, given the colour schemes of Lumi and Rumi. Although that would make the greens stand out more though... hmmm, decisions, decisions... Btw did you ever tell us whether Lilja fits into this cast of Christmas Elves as well? :3


They all look good. It feels like 2 and 4 has same shade so dosent see contrast of hair, mby end result it be different. Mby the skin color is similar to Rumi. Gorgeous and cute designs. My choise is 1-3 cause of the colors pop.


I also like blue hair, I want a OC with blue hair, I had partially blue hair for some time lol


You made me laugh with going for black and white XD Naaaw, I'll write you later, I'm the worstestest T_T möh


So many cousins XD Thanks for your comment, yeah, Lilja is also a cousin xDD

chad monk

Merry Christmas everyone