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"Trust me, I'm a succubus."



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Um.... Yes please


New OC? She looks really interesting!


Aw darn, I hope you were sending a letter to me :P. Great job on the OC, I like it!


Do we have a choice not to trust her? *_* Great work as always though! Love the variety in style we're getting this month! She reminds me a bit of an OC of yours, Lilli. This isn't her, is it? Either way, no such thing as too many purple characters, especially if they're sending love letters ^^


That's hot. New character?


I wanna trust her REALLY badly..... wow dandon!


Oh, is that Lili? It's been a while since we last saw her i kinda forgot her name. Glad to see her back. Hopefully we see Audelia again.

Ciarán M

... I trust her completely and totally 💜💜💜💜💜 I absolutely love this for many reasons, one of which is immediate and obvious 😹 Seeing a fully purple character like this naturally makes me very happy! And I love the colours in general here, the red outline around her head and shoulders is a nice choice, making her really pop against the black heart, with the red dividing up the cool black and purple tones really well. Generally, I really enjoy cool colour schemes, so the subtle blue touches to her outfit and the lighting are also very welcome. Her pose and whole demeanour are just so alluring, I love the slight lean to her head as she looks at us, with some of her hair swishing onto her face. Her yellow eyes are utterly captivating, with the warm colour very distinct against the purples. Her pose has some nice dynamism to it too, with her head and body leaning and turning in opposite directions, with her hair flowing and meandering and her long tail having a fluid S-curve to it. And naturally her breasts pushing forward as she leans, pressed together between her arms is super sexy, especially with that outfit she's wearing, with the softer, brighter tones of her breasts framed by the shining, dark black material. The lighting and rendering here are just fantastic. The bright edge-lighting on her hair really pops and just adds so much definition to the long, flowing strands. I love her while right arm with the wide, purple/blue-tinted edge-lighting running down it, contrasting with the dark material and defining the anatomy of her arm really well. Likewise, the wide edge-lighting on her right thigh is great too and I like how it shifts in colour as it moves along her leg, to a darker blue at her knee. The textures of her whole outfit are really well done with the sleeves, thigh-highs and materials on her torso all feeling distinct from one-another. I particularly like the blue-tinted harness over her stomach and how smoothly the blue tones blend into the black. The straps over her breasts are terrific too with the stark contrast between the white lighting and black material being quite striking, further drawing attention to that area. Her skin tones and visible anatomy are all excellent too. I really like the smooth definition of her tail and how the various light and dark tones blend together, with some nice warm touches mixed into some of the lighting. Her breasts are beautifully painted too with soft lighting in their centre planes, surrounded by smooth, dark shadows with subtle bounce lighting along the bottom planes, further accentuating their shapes and adding contrast. And her face is just beautiful too! I like the subtle hint of a blush on her cheeks, with the edge lighting on her adorable nose making it pop against the purples. As I said, her eyes are utterly captivating and I really like the cool shine to her lips too. Absolutely marvellous work, Dandon! It's no surprise that I'm utterly enamoured with the colours, with the character looking so inviting, beautiful and sensual 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 I'll definitely be looking forward to seeing all of the files for this character! Thank you for the belated birthday wishes and I hope that you're doing very well! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


Oh I was just hoping we’d get more Lilli soon! You make the best OC’s Dandon 😊

Dack Janiels

Yep totally trust her.


Oooo, reminds me of Catherine. Lovely


....I didn't need that soul anyway.


It's so nice to see Lilli again!!


*_* Finally more Lilly! It has been more than a year since you published her. Now we see a matured version of her. She's soooo sexy, even for the average of the succubi. Hot as Hell \,,/ What. An. Incredible. Batch.


Hey, Dandon! Been a while since the last time I left a comment here. I didn't had much to say about Jinx or Vi since I'm not a LoL fan, but the two artworks looked pretty cool. I liked how you experimented with the use of perspective on both of them. Is this Lilli? At first I thought it was a new OC, but she and Lilli have the same hairstyle and a similar skin color so now I'm confused. :P Maybe succubus are all big fans of long hair with straight bangs. haha


Sexy and hot as a devil girl, Dandon! 😍


Horns and tail<3 Good, good)


I think she's lying. Everyone knows succubi have wings.


Not quite a dark elf, so I am still hoping for (at least) one of those soon; but she is still very pretty and nice all around with her darker skin, sexy outfit, and pointed ears - great work. :)


Delicious looking little treat aint she :D


She is very cool! I love your characters, I love demons!😈


Ah yes, I´m all in, and if I have to sell my soul, let´s do it for the right price ;-)

Ashley Mason

'For me? Awww. Danke' :3 Always love to see your work with leathers and latex and sheer material hugging the supple bodies of your lovely ladies. Always so good to see! And love the muscle work of Lilli's arms here. Strong! Perfect for her choice of clothing. Strong! And she is one ample succubus too, that I feel those leathers cannot wholly contain all her assets. We can only hope. hehehe :3


It seems you like succubus 🙈 yeah right, trust her she will suck your life energy. But wouldnt it be a great death 🙈😅


Can we all get on board together to convince Dandon to make this into a sticker!? This would be a fantastic sticker to slap on a laptop or a skateboard or even a cooler!


The return of Lilli!? Excellent! I'd love to see Audelia be brought back too!


I need more succubus in my life, keep’em cominggggg

Boreas Anemos

Those bust straps _cannot_ be comfortable, but let's face it, for a succubus appearance trumps comfort. She's a really pretty lady, the horns are just cute and the tail looks hot. And the whole posture just says "Hell-o 💜" ^^


Hi, sorry did I miss something or was there no content sent out for October? Normally around the 10th Nov, but nothing?

Ashley Mason

October was a rest month, as mentioned in a previous post. No bundles so you won't be charged for anything. Don't worry though, full force this month. Am excited.


Oh yes sorry forgot. Need to check Patreon, coz I think I was still charged...


I could use more of her :D