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W O W, I hate the beach, but if I knew Pharah was gonna be there I'd rush like no tomorrow lmfao, good job once again Dandon!


She's so gorgeous!!! 😍😍😍😍 I love that NSFW preview too!! 😄😄😄😄😄


I has now plz? ^.^ Haha can't wait for this!!! Perfect angle!

Christopher Edwards

Those abs! <3 Sorry I just a sucker for well toned ladies.


Love it! Such spectacular muscle definition and tone too #JusticeLiftsFromAbove


Wow, I insist, great usage of shadows also here, your style is pretty osom


Justice reigns from above, and below


I love this. You have been doing a fantastic job with the Overwatch girls 😍


That muscle tone! Love the lighting in this :D Great work as always Dandon :)


It's going to be agonizing waiting for July 5th 😥


Aaaaaah love it


😮*picks jaw off the floor* Wow! just Wow! 😳 That's all I can say. (I'm such a sucker for girls with good eyeliner, they're so attractive) Also, I like how natural you integrated your signature, it looks like it's part of the art.(maybe Parah wrote it herself)


Wow indeed, that was fast and she looks gorgeous. The lighting is amazing.


One of your best so far.


The end of the month can not come soon enough!

Ciarán M

Goodness gracious... this is bloody brilliant, this is now easily in my favourites of yours, them abs, the legs, her face, the shine on her bra (and dat NSFW preview, oh my word...), your D.Va had me wanting to play her but now I'm all about dat Pharah




Those fucking muscles are unreal...why is she hiding that delicious body under a suit???!!!! lol


She is absolutely stunning! Such a gorgeous body, love it! <3


What an exceptional work of art, I can really see your work improving greatly since you started doing Patreon, you were always awesome, but now your work is truly astonishing. Wow I am just left speechless. How did you get so good at your craft? :D


::brain exploding noises:: ......... ::brain rebooting noises::


she looks a lot like korra from avatar show lol


btw i didn't have the chance to comment on the May batch post cause i had family matters going on but i swear the "natural" look you give to your girls is always amazing haha i just love and look forward to them each time now =P cant wait to see how it looks with this one IF there is one for this =P idk how popular it is but i just thought id throw my two cents into the matter haha

Ashley Mason

Doffing her armour and the duty she swears, Pharah lets her guard down for a pleasant, peaceful respite. A true moment to behold of this bronzed beauty, skin-bare basking in the hottest of suns. Dignified and the most sacred of ladies, any watchful eye would be swayed her way by the hidden heavenliness she keeps, and to kneel before her as a Goddess of the Skies. Her silky legs climbing to the heavens. The bright sunlight glowing off her bountiful behind and glimmering from her alluring tear-drop breasts is lovely, a wondrous highlight to focus on. Each time I see this she is like a goddess before me, and I am left in awe. This is the justice we needed for Pharah, and the honour she rightly deserves. And with my pleasure, a new title to bestow upon thee- Dee, the hero of heroes. ^^ Each lady is more magnifique than the last. It shines in every aspect, every detail, and for me it's in their very look, their faces in which defines them.

Ashley Mason

I love the colours- warm and sandy with brilliant blues dashing across the sky. Everything feels in perfect balance, like yin and yang.


Damn. That's it...jk Dandon your skills are nothing less than admirable. I look up to your artistry. So i promise ill get good someday, until thenfor I'll just enjoy what you create. You have the midas touch!!!


Stunning beauty!


Wow ! Gorgeous !


Aww thank you so much, Ciaran :) Pharah is fun to play, I'm totally in love with Zenyatta atm (that sounds weird though XD)


Feel like its time for a Stargate reboot.


I love this one so much! Great job! =D


Well, it's Korra cosplaying, right ?