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I miss this show...needs S2 asap


Wow, never expected to see her so soon after I suggested her! She looks superb!

Pervy Sage

I didn’t know how much I needed something until now. You did a phenomenal job with Atom eve. Easily my favorite piece for this month batches ^_^ thanks again so much Dandon keep up the fantastic work you do!!✨✨✨


Seeing how she was defeated in the poll I thought we wouldn't see her in a long time... and here she is. A most pleasant surprise!


So we got her anyway, SWEET! Curvy goddess indeed!


She really needs some Mr. Tentacle.


Fantastic. 😁


Omg she looks amazing.


Eve!! Thank you!!😍


Beautiful, Dandon! 😘


That is beautiful

Christopher Edwards

She looks lovely Dandon! Also loved all the art work last month too. Sorry I didn’t comment on those but I wanted to let you I thought they were great!

Ciarán M

Ooooh, this is super cute and sexy! 💜💜💜💜💜 The pose and angle that you've chosen here are wonderfully dynamic. I really like the subtle foreshortening as we look done on Eve, with that angle accentuating the curves of her breasts and hips. The pose is great with those same curves further emphasised as she pushes out of her hips, with some lovely asymmetry to her arms and legs. Speaking of which, I really love the asymmetry of the hair too, back on one side and forward on the other, with that front side curling and meandering down. The colours here are just gorgeous, she is so warm and vibrant with her cool green eyes really standing out 💚💚 The overall rendering in this painting has a great feeling of texture too, her skin is generally very smooth but then her clothes and hair have this painterly feel to them which just gives such a great contrast. And the edge-lighting is fantastic! I particularly like it on her hair, with that really pale, cool purple edge-lighting popping against the orange and accentuating the details there so much. And on her left side, I love the shine with the brighter orange tones popping against the darker hair. Her clothes too benefit beautifully from the edge-lighting, her right arm looks fantastic with the muscle tone of the shoulder and arm really popping. I also love how the edge-lighting runs along her bending arm, separated into two lines for this rippling effect that shows off the plane changes very well. Her breasts too pop so well with this lighting and I like how the edge-lighting transitions from stark and sharp on her right breast, growing subtly softer as it wraps around them. The detail across all of her clothes is just amazing, with the muscle tone of her figure showing through so well, I absolutely love both of her arms, as well as the folds rippling across her abs. The cape flows really nicely too and I like the soft, rippling on the inside of the material. Her legs are just gorgeous with soft, sensual skin tones and lighting. The large, soft, brighter tones on the top planes, subtly and smoothly blending out into the shadows on both sides is gorgeous and I really like the inside muscle of both thighs. The edge-lighting pops especially well here against the warm skin tones and makes the thighs and knees stand out beautifully. And lastly, her face is just so beautiful with soft, smooth skin tones and really well rendered features. I particularly like the shine on her lips and little edge-lighting on the nose, while those eyes are just mesmerising! Fantastic and beautiful work on this piece, Dandon! I am in love with these textures and the lighting, both of which are just so good! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Oh and in the end, I did choose Wonder Woman to be my wallpaper 😸 Hope you're doing well! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


Great job! I dunno where she's from but she looks cool.


Dandon + redheads A killer combo!


Carefully, an atomic bomb has landed.


I will never leave this patronage, because of the masterpieces every drop. The textures of skin and clothing, the shades and highlights. Your work inspires me to push my art to this level.🏆💯💯


Whoa I love the colour palette of this piece! That orange streak in the background really complements that pink and makes it so refreshing! *_*


What the amazing woman 😍

Ashley Mason

Surprised to see her here. But no less pleased to see her. You've captured that cutie superhero without undercutting her strength and power as a hero and a woman. Superbly done. The salute/gesture is a great touch, a sign of how friendly she is, and working nicely with the perspective. So pleased you painted her! :3




Seeing this pic reminded me of back when you used to hide one of the character's hands behind their back because you didn't like drawing hands. XD You sure have come a long way since then. Good job as always, Dandon.


Gets notification, sees character I dont recognize, their a redhead with green eyes. Smile big.


HELL YES! I was super sad when she lost the poll vote a while back. glad to see you doing Atom Eve !


Oh! Atom Eve! I am soooo happy you drew her, Dandon! She's beautiful! Atom Eve now and this month is just getting started!


No idea who she is, but ho boy is she a looker <3

Star Tsurugi

I have no idea who that is, but I approve.


Can't wait!


She's from 'Invincible'. It's a superhero show which received popularity on Amazon Prime. It also had a comic series throughout the 2000s. To describe it, it mixes the wacky absurd humor of the old Tick cartoons with the violence of The Boys. I think it handles the balance well, better than The Boys at least.


Oh thanks so much, I tried to go for a more comic look here to fit the style of the animation show :3 Yay for WW as your wallpaper, thanks so much ♥♥♥

Boreas Anemos

Neat! I really love the costume details :)


This is absolutely stunning!


Gute Arbeit 😁👍


Any chance I could get the files on this one?