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Yu-gi-oooooooooohhh damn that's hot!!!


Go, Dark Magician Girl!


Huh. I guess I expected dark hair and purple clothes, instead of pink and blue with blonde. Maybe I missed something? Doesn't really remind me of dark magician at all.

Didi Esmeralda

Oh! I love it. 😍😍😍


This has written "summer" all over it, and I dig it. Also great choice for the flamingo!


Aww I thought she'd have her giant floppy hat! It'd be so silly. Awesome job as always and take care of yourself!


Such a summery vibe to this one, I love it! *_* Really like how you reimagined her costume to fit the theme as well, and that pink flamingo is just the cherry on top xD Also that soft serve looks sooo good, I want one now O_O

Aimrys Klayne

She's so cute ! Nice work :D


I can see why Yu-Gi-Oh liked summoning her. 😍



Joey Bryant

Awesome art as always, but instead of a pink flamingo floating ring, should have been a Blue Eyes White Dragon design.


https://media1.tenor.com/images/c032c5d6194550ac6fdcb910cbf07508/tenor.gif?itemid=10077782 I have some butter pecan ice cream for the heat myself. Speaking of all this ice cream, have you seen Mei's new sprinkles outfit? Her 1950s diner waitress would be unique too.

Pervy Sage

Damn was not expecting the 2nd one so soon, yet alone another beach Queen! Damn really love the bikini variation you made for her ^_^ really digging the pose and the hair for her, looks really clean with the colors complimenting each other’s. Hope you’re doing well Dandon please take of your well being and be safe out there fam✨✨as always keep up the great, it’s a blessing to get that notification of your works ✨🤤✨


Veeeeery nice work Dandon!! \[+]/


I admit I was wrong to not be sure about this choice, she is gorgeous due to your crafty hands.


Very hot!




Your attention to detail never ceases to amaze me! Though I'm not particularly fond of the character, she looks incredible! Those bikini bottoms are so provocative, someone should make those irl!


Finally someone made something different for the Dark Magician Girl! This summer version is pure dynamite! Such a lovely blondy just like Juliet Starling *-* (You published her at the exact moment I was enjoying a milk cream gelato)


Holy hips and thighs batman! 🔥🔥🔥 Probably one of my favorites artworks you've done awesome job Dandon!!


Yay! This was one of the options from the polls earlier that I was really looking forward to - and it is indeed super nice; thanks so much for this, it is a very fun summer image and she looks amazing! :D And as always, I am eager to see the other versions as well. :)

Ciarán M

Oh my word, I wasn't really sure what to expect with Dark Magician Girl and truth be told, I've never particularly cared for her... but WOW!!! This is a whole new level of sexy First thing that I immediately love are the colours. The scene is just so vibrant with some beautiful colour contrasts. The blonde hair, warm skin tones and pink flamingo as well as pink clothing trims all really pop with the blue background and blue sections of clothing. The pose and angle are so sexy too. I really like the low angle as we look up at her, arching her back and pushing out her breasts and elongated stomach. The side angle also lets us see just how much she's leaning forward and accentuates that arching pose and appreciate the shapes of her breasts as they push out. I also really like the asymmetry of her arms and the curves of her hips, while the way she straddles her flamingo just looks so sensual. When it comes to the rendering, well I have to look at that flamingo as it is actually just fantastic. The pale white lighting on it goes really well with the pink, as does the subtle blue-ish lighting running down the edge of the neck, which also contrasts with the line of warm light running down nearby. The textures just look fantastic too and you did an amazing job with the seams and crinkling folds that run through it. Like I can actually imagine what it would feel like to touch it and it's a perfect blend of realistic and stylised (the cool colours mixed into the black beak also look so good) And that ice cream looks wonderful too, the swirl and textures and mix of colours are beautiful. I want that ice cream, I want it badly As for the lady herself, well her hair is beautifully textured and intricately detailed. I really like the warm sunlight hitting it from above that then blends smoothly into the yellow tones too. Her hat is great as well, the texture of the blue material has this subtle shine that is especially nicely shown off by the way the swirly pink accessory tints the nearby blue, a fantastic little detail. I also love how the brightest parts of the blue then blend into the darker tones with a painterly texture. The swirly pink part is gorgeous as well and the mix of tones for the shadows looks really nice and accentuates the shapes so well. Her bikini is super sexy too and I love the design with the arrow pointing down from the bra and how it hovers out above her body, then casting a shadow onto the skin. The small bra cups that leave her side and underboob exposed are such a lovely tease too. The panties as well are a terrific tease with that cutout section and I really like the metal love-heart which looks so cute. The rendering on all of these pieces are fantastic, I really like the tight creases in the little parts where blue has been tinted pink, like on the bra medallion and at the bottom of the panties that touch the flamingo. DMG's skin and anatomy are all perfectly done too and something I especially like are all of the blue edge-lights. They're a great contrast to the warm skin tones and also make her pop out even more against the flamingo (This comment is the most that I've ever said the word "Flamingo"... Flamingo! ) The blue lighting really accentuates her anatomy and shows off where parts of the body connect and overlap, the best examples being where her arm connects to her body, as well as where her hip and thigh connect. The clear contrast in light and shadow across all of her body looks gorgeous too and does such a fantastic job defining her. Her whole mid-section is beautifully detailed with all of the smooth textures and plane-changes being so well done. Same with her thighs too which ripple so nicely with her muscle tone. And her breasts look so soft and squishy with the light tones really popping against the shadows that wrap around them. Lastly, her face is just so cute and beautiful. It too benefits so well from the clear contrast in light and shadow and I love how her cool-coloured eyes pop against the shadows. Her lips and nose are wonderfully defined as well and look very cute and appealing. Absolutely stunning work on this piece! It is an absolute summer masterpiece and is full to the brim with stunning detail and insanely beautiful lighting! I am definitely looking forward to seeing all of her finished versions and I must say, a fluffy cloud might look very sensual here, with her open thighs pressed up against her pink flamingo, could be a great teaser Terrific work once again and I hope you're doing very well!

Ciarán M

Dark Magician Girl is a separate card from Dark Magician and yes, she does look very different! https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/yugioh/images/d/dc/DarkMagicianGirl-LED6-EN-C-1E.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/480?cb=20200118174554


Fingers crossed that wonder woman isn't also a beach queen 🙈😅 Now to this art, that's one skimpy variation of her costume. Nice design, didnt saw that coming. Pretty awesome ❤️


She never looked so good :D Fine as hell. A classic character with very modern assets. NICE


Awesome work as always! Also I would like to put forward the idea of "Summer Harley Quinn", as someone said something batman related in the comments and I immediately thought of this.


Would love a beach queen yuri between Harley and Punchline. That being said would love a full render of Harley solo!


The detail on that flamingo is insane.


best girl~!!!! :D


Nice touch turning the brim of her witch hat in a open cap. I was wondering how you would portrait her costume since you always make them skimpier than usual, so a bikini alternative gets the job done. If this one gets "tentacled" (its a real word now) I hope to see that hand holding the ice cream put to good use. hehe Now I'm holding myself for the main course: the Wonder Woman artwork. You have no idea how long I have been waiting to see you redraw her! Don't hold back on her abs, she is a goddess for a reason.


Man I used to Love those mixed vanilla and strawberry ice cream cones. So good!


She's already practicing the dark arts on my Nether region!

Boreas Anemos

The beach theme continues, I see ^^ Pretty one, and I can already imagine this flamingo may get well-soaked in some versions ;)


Oh WOW! What a killer bikini! And her hair and face are perfect! You done good by DMG <3

Ashley Mason

Oh so drippingly good! Such summer poolside fun. Yum! :3 I am enjoying the creative design of her outfit, keeping the influence strong while showing far more goodness to ogle for a beach beauty. Everything about her is super playful and fun, with all the sexiness she can subtly teases with an slowly melting ice-cream and a sideways glance and plush lips. It leads me along and let's my mind dream. Plus the pink flamingo is a fun touch, that style of summer holiday by the pool (and looks great too. Hehe) I am surprised by DMG, and wanting more. <3


The crush of many card-playing teenagers :D Your rendition of her is certainly magical ...and now I want ice-cream, too!


This ice cream must be delicious, Dandon! 😋


Hopefully we can see that ice cream cone also be a tentacle or an explicit version with some lucky fella(s)😏


made it back just in time for DMG woo. Looks amazing!


I also like her design, she has those cheerful bubblegum colors XD Thanks for your comment :)


I can't handle the pressure O_O XD Thanks a lot for your kind comment, Oregano :3