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All rewards of April were sent out! Please check your messages to download the batches.

Let me know if you're having any trouble with the downloads :)

Thanks again for the amazing support, you're the best ♥



Ciarán M

(I put this comment on your main page originally but it's probably more appropriate here, sorry for double-posting) Hey-yo! Just downloaded and saw the past month's rewards and as expected, they're mind-blowingly good. Cammy was everything I hoped for and more, when I saw that 3rd NSFW version, I just had to sit there for a second like "Woah..." (all of the NSFW versions of her were great, but damn if I wasn't prepared for that one). Raven was brilliant also and both NSFW versions of her, very smexy stuff. I love how for a lot of them you do bottomless versions, there's something about when the chest is still covered but the lower regions aren't that just does something for me. As for batch 2, firstly, that little extra that you put in on Jubilee and Mei, love it, if you were to make that a continued thing that you do for some of your future NSFW works then I totally approve. I thought the 1st NSFW of Jubilee where she's still basically fully dressed was great, just that zipper down for the cheeky tease was awesome. And Mei, what can be said about your Mei that does her justice? She even gives your Cammy a run for her money for the sexiest painting of last month and that's really saying something. Anyway, that's enough rambling, I now have some difficult decisions to make, like which to use as my desktop wallpaper, Savage Land Rogue or Asami x Korra and which for my phone/tablet wallpapers, I thought that it'd be an easy enough choice between Cammy and Mei but they're all so good and then there's so many versions. Sorry, rambling again, loved the rewards, can't wait to see what you do this month, starting with that Karin.


I downloaded that app and the file... doesn't show up. Not phone friendly? Used up a 1.3 gig of data too.


Hey Dandon!!!! I'm at a loss of words for your stuff too. Every thing was beyond exceptional, as to be expected from you. I hope you're still taking suggestions, or possible ideas. Since a lot of people are excited for overwatch (me included, I've been playing beta with any free time I have. Lol) would you consider doing art of these 2 characters, symmetra & pharah? I'm sure you have a long list. But i hope those 2 make it. Lemme know what you think...thanks again for your time and beyond describable work.


Worked great!


Love Aprils rewards!! Love the way you did the NSFW versions, especially Jubilee <3


Excellent work as always, Dandon :D I must say it is fun to watch you work in the process vids, will be even better once you hit the livestream milestone!

Ashley Mason

Fantastic month of work! Some nice surprises within, and most pleasing. Cheers, Dee. <3


Loved all of them! Great work as per usual haha I loved how you gave them a more "Natural" look in some of the NSFW versions ;) Definitely Version 4 of Mei is my favorite out of the bunch! Cant wait to see more OverWatch! Just reserved my copy on G2A cant wait to play the full release! The Beta is so much fun!!!


Is it still not working? I could upload your batch on my google drive account and send you a download link :)


Thanks a lot! Ha one of my dear patrons asked for more "natural" look, glad you like it :) the beta is amazing :D


Wow! Thanks so much for your kind words :) I want to draw all of the OW girls, I'm planning to draw one girl every new batch. :)


THANKS A MILLION! Your comment make me smile. I'm proud to have such kind patrons omg T____T