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My addition to the Starfire Beachqueen artwork from 2020 :)


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Will you do more lilli someday?


Wow, awesome job! I love the way you got her skin tone down. (Also waiting for my secret request :P)


Starfire last year, Raven now... next year both of them? Just asking...


Hmmm does Raven need sunblock? 🤔


Sometimes I do something and think "That is so Raven." Other times I'll do something and be like "That was not very Raven.


She's one of my favorite characters♡♡♡


Always love it when you draw Raven!


I love seeing your takes on Starfire and Raven almost as much as I love Rose and Bubble, haha. Now we just need one of them on the beach together! 😀


Raven tanning? Now I've seen everything!


Your raven artwork is 🔥🔥 always good to see you draw her! Awesome job Dandon!


Is there a way to like this more than once


Yes, yes, yes!!! You always have to make room for raven. So lovely and perfect. Thank you Dandon


Woooow! Awesome!!!😍😍😍


I've always thought Raven was a knockout...and you knocked it out of the park with this pic <3

Ciarán M

Oh I so love it when you paint these cool-skinned characters, all the better when they've actually got purple hair! 💜💜💜💜💜 The colours here are just gorgeous, the painting has that vibrant summer vibe despite being mostly cool colours (and as a lover of cool colours, I am very happy!), with the little splashes of red clothing on Raven and her forehead diamond popping nicely. The pose is incredibly sexy with this mostly side-view of her, accentuating the arch of her back and the curving contours of her butt, with their overlapping shapes being especially nice thanks to how she's raising her leg. I also like the asymmetry in the legs and the positions of her arms, there's something quite sensual about how she's tracing one along the other. And of course, her expression as she gazes towards us just makes her all the more alluring! The clothing is wonderfully sexy too and I especially like her vest/hood combo, with how the material wraps up over her breasts, accentuating their shapes. I'm definitely hoping for final variants where the hood stays on without the bra underneath, they'd be super sexy 😻😻😻😻😻 With the rendering, I really like the rippling folds on the hood, with those bright edge-lights really popping and the details on the vest part with the seams and stretch folds look great too. The material for the silver bra and panties are gorgeous as well with that bright, cool sheen to them. I really like the tight folds at the corner of the bra and the cool-blue edge-lighting helps define her breast even more, contrasts with the shadows and makes them pop out from the vest. And without the hood, her purple hair is just gorgeous! There's a great deal of detail and a lovely contrast between the brightest and darkest tones that is quite eye-catching. I also like the subtle hints of blue mixed in, giving that extra cool feel and contrasting with the darker tones. Her skin and anatomy all look utterly amazing too, the level of detail and definition of shapes are glorious. I really like the rippling light and dark tones on the undersides of her arm and the shape of her elbow, with those tones contrasting well with the upper planes of the arm. Her shoulder and upper back have a great deal of complex plane changes and interlocking anatomy that you've done a terrific job with and the differing lighting of her skin tones are wonderful. I love the view of her stomach, mostly in shadow but then popping thanks to the pale purple edge-lighting. And the length of her upper thigh is just sublime, again with that beautifully rippling lighting with alternating light and dark tones, all so smoothly blended together. The lowered thigh too looks gorgeous, with the thicker edge-light working so well with the darker shadows. Her butt is delightful too, particularly well defined with the combination of edge-lighting and dark shadow wrapping around it's voluptuous shapes. And the hint of her breasts that we see look very nice too, I particularly like where the edge of the breast connects back to the torso, with a nice contrast in tones that also make it pop! Lastly is Raven's face which just looks so beautiful! 💜💜💜💜💜 The overall purple colours are utterly to die for, her features are beautifully defined with luscious lips and subtly shining eyes. Her expression is so alluring and I have a particular fondness for this length of hair that just makes her look all the more gorgeous to me. Absolutely wonderful work on this piece, Dandon! You've perfectly captured the feeling of a bright, vibrant day but through primarily cool colours which I just love seeing, with Raven herself appearing so sensual, alluring and stunning. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 And as always, I hope that you're doing very well! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 (I actually tried writing a shorter comment this time, less repeating myself... I won't know if it worked until I hit enter but somehow I don't think I succeeded 😹)


Nice 👍🏼🙂


She is so hot! 😮😍 And as usual what an incredible job, dandon! 😘


Amazing as always! Was wondering if Ariel would ever make a beachqueen apperance?


I'll follow her to Davy Jones locker😁💯🏆


My baby!!!!




🥰🥰She looks amazing, I really like how she wears a hood even at the beach :p, and this pose and angle is so good🙏🙏👀


Whoa, this will indeed go along nicely with your Starfire from last year! Love how her cooler colours seem so soothing, especially in this summer heat! *_* Hope you're managing to keep cool and stay hydrated this summer! ^^


Beautiful, I can't wait to see that pregnant belly. Love your work.


....Take ALL my money!!! 😍


It's nice to see Raven let loose. I bet she's a lot of fun when she's not brooding. 😁 Good work, Dan!


Those thighs! <3 I like how you come up with new poses. She looks like a top Instagram fitness model :D Her forms are spectacular and I like how the fabric of the bikini looks, much like with Christie. And the entire area below the shoulder, the sideboob transitioning into back muscles look so hot! Great job! Since we're into the summer theme, here's hoping we can see a fully rendered Beach Queen Bubble maybe? :3


Thick thighs save lives! Joking aside this is really amazing! Can't wait for the finished piece!


Oh boy, the way her hips are slightly raised like shes offering her ass to be penetrated is just... damn. Have I ever told you how happy I am that you are experimenting with different poses? Because it give us gems like this! And I don't think I need to mention that this one is a perfect offering to our favorite tentacled gentleman. hehe


That Starfire is insuperable. Oh Beach Queens! *-* Love all!


Very nice work here as always; she looks great - and this is also just in time for summer! :D


Beautiful Girl ❤️🥰


I might not be the biggest fan of the character, but man those legs are illegal…



Darrin Soo

definitely digging her right now after Fortnites last season battle pass. Is Dandon doing red skin, with another pair of eyes- lets just say daddies little girl version and natural human skin version?

Ashley Mason

O, my! She is delightful- a treat. A promise or a threat in those eyes, either way entices me. There is such beauty to behold. Thd pose and shot is done so nicely for Raven, stepping from the waters to tease her scrumptious bum (she knows she got the goodness). The lighting dances upon her luscious skin and beautiful face. O, and a face that is stunning! I am ever in awe! Thoroughly gobsmacked- the lighting, the subtitles to make it akin to real. 'Tis devilery, I say. Bewitching and beautiful. Her cropped hoodie is cute (funny) and fitting, and her silvery bikini looks super nice. Such volume to her breasts. OöO love the gorgeous shape of breasts you paint, in all manner of outfits. Such shapeliness, a weight and beauty. Now I am lost in Raven. OuO

Christopher Edwards

Love the pose, angle, shading and lighting! Looking forward to seeing the other versions Dandon!


Thank you, Arch :) Yeah, I would love to give Bubble and Rose a beachqueen artwork :3


Haha, Mr. Tentacle always has the most fun xD Thank you for your comment ♥


It's not so easy to go from dark skin to a light skin color, it might look off :3

Sogni Scuri

Amazing! One of the best Raven pieces I've ever seen. Keep them coming, please!


What an unexpected beach beauty! but no less lovely!

Boreas Anemos

Definitely great, the legs, the leeegs! And this fresh-out-of-the-water look in nice ^^